How to automate SampleTank 4 MIDI Assignments in KK3.0.3

KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member

I'm trying to assign all the automatable parameters on ALL the screens, but if I can get the Home scrn I can manage the others. I'm using PreSonus SO6.5 with my NI S88 Mk1 as my controller, and Komplete Kontrol 3.0.3. It looks like I should be able to rt. click on any of the parameter knobs in ST4 (Vol, Pan, Transpose, MIDI ch. etc.), and the Macro assignments for CC14-CC21 show up in a list to be assigned, but I'm unable to assign anything. Am I mistaken that this is a KK3.0.3 feature, or is this a ST4 feature? It looked like it was a ST feature. I also thumbed thru the entire ST4 manual and found nothing about assigning those parameters. So, I AM a bit confused. :? :?: 



Best Answer


  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,094 Expert

    The MK1 does not work with KK v3. You need KK v2 (which I would recommend to use at the moment anyway).

    There are issues in SampleTank that make some mapping impossible. Even when you map certain things, once you save and open again it is mapped wrong.

    I have a full library for Sampletank which has basically mapped what I have tested out to work reliably:

    I have reported the bugs thru, but IK are nor real responsive or even seem to care about issues in their plugins.

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member

    I've looked all over this site trying to find KK v2.6.9. GEEZ!! NI TRIES to make things as confusing as possible. It says I need Native Access 2.0, but I swear I saw somewhere on the site to update to NA ver. 3.87. Still, I can't find ANYWHERE on here KK v.2.6.9. Does anyone have that link?

  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member

    Now, none of the transport buttons on my S88 Mk1 light up like they used to. I can't even record MIDI tracks. 😨😱 KK3.0.3 is still installed bcuz could never find ver. 2.6.9. Does it not exist anymore? It WAS working great.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod
    Answer ✓
  • KingKonga
    KingKonga Member Posts: 73 Member


    Thanks so much for yours, and everyone's patience. I actually just got frustrated with all the technology and not being able to make any music. So, I just worked with what I knew and made music from that. Then, I got to a good stopping point to get back to organizing and setting up everything to work together. Do you know if there's a comprehensive video library of tutorials on KK2.6.9, and the Controller Editor 2.8.2 that's compatible with my SS88 Mk1. I'm really not having much luck on YT. Maybe NI took down the older videos, but I hope not. Do you have your own Libraries? I haven't even been able to use my 8 knobs on my MK1. I'm not blaming anyone but myself, but I'd really like to enjoy those features. I'm embarrassed that I had no idea it was the Mk 1 that I was getting. I just thought I was getting a really good deal on a Mk2. I thought I might be coming into some $$$ very soon, and I was just going to sell this and upgrade to a Mk3.


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