Traktor S3 + Pioneer Plx 500

Oscar Jiménez
Oscar Jiménez Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

Hello everyone! I have encountered a problem in my Traktor S3, when connecting a pioneer plx500 turntable, the sound of this one is very low compared to the S3 covers, it is connected in Line and to match the sound I have to put the gain kennel to the full while the one on the cover is at 0, I don't know what to do I need help, thank you very much


  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,292 mod


    Turntables are connected to "Phono", not "Line" inputs.

    In order to have a decent volume, turntables need some kind of pre-amp.

    Phono inputs provide just that. Without a Phono input you can't really work with turntables.

  • Oscar Jiménez
    Oscar Jiménez Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Good friend, thank you for answering, this particular turntable has a line output and can be connected directly to a line, but unfortunately you get a very low sound compared to the covers, I have also bought a previous phono to get the signal from the turntable in phono but it still comes out with the same low volume for the S3

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,292 mod

    So, what you need is something to boost the signal, before enter the S3 inputs, maybe a pre-amp or even an old hi-fi amplifier. Or check if there is some kind of Phantom power option in the inputs (usually this is for mics, but...). Or maybe some kind of boost through software? Literally there are no other solutions.

    Or maybe something in your audio setting is wrong? If you can, make print screens of the control panels of each device, so we can see its settings.

  • Oscar Jiménez
    Oscar Jiménez Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Good friend, thank you for answering, this particular turntable has a line output and can be connected directly to a line, but unfortunately you get a very low sound compared to the covers, I have also bought a previous phono to get the signal from the turntable in phono but it still comes out with the same low volume for the S3

  • Oscar Jiménez
    Oscar Jiménez Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I have already bought and tested the preamp and it still sounds low, then I will have to look at the Traktor configuration, but I think the problem is in the line input of the S3 which is of poor quality and low power, connecting the turntable directly to the self-amplified speaker the power is much greater than when going through the S3

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,292 mod
    edited December 2023

    You didn't understood what i wrote, or maybe i didn't wrote it correctly.

    It is the Traktor S3 that it needed to have the Phono inputs!

    But S3 has no Phono inputs, so, you can not really connecting turntables there, the sound will always low.

    You have to find out a different connection, one that it does not include the S3 as an input device.

    Have a look at my old DJ Tech Dragon Two, which it has 2 stereo inputs and a Phono/Line switch, very capable to connect 2 turntables. S3 does not have that!

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