I get "Your version of Kontakt is too old to load this file. Please update to the latest version."



  • cadel
    cadel Member Posts: 16 Member

    anyone have an older version of stacks I stupidly upgraded it to 2.0 and can't use it with Kontact 6 and Mac OS 10.15-thanks

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 Newcomer
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  • quikview
    quikview Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    when i click this link to try to download the older version for my MAC running catalina, it says that my computer can not scan for security reasons and therefore wont allow the installer to run.

    kontakt version i have is only 7.4.2

    MACos 10.15.7

    i have kontakt factory 2 library but requires 7.6

    ive been looking everywhere on native access on how to do this and this link seems like the final solution but it wont go.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,459 mod
    edited December 2023

    macOS 10.15 (Catalina) : Last Supported Version : KONTAKT 7 (FULL+PLAYER) : 7.3.2 

    Ref. : Compatibility of Native Instruments Products on macOS .


    Considering that the version Kontakt 7.4.2 Player is available for download then it is possible that N.I. forgot to update the compatibility page to say 7.4.2 as opposed to 7.3.2. But do not expect them to support anything newer than official downloads and what support pages say ! : Ref. : Kontakt (Player) Legacy Installers for Older Operating Systems .

  • k3rmap3rs3
    k3rmap3rs3 Member Posts: 2 Member

    I also have this "Kontakt is too old to load this file" error. I'm on a Macbook Pro 2012 with OS 10.15.7 (Catalina) Kontakt 7 v. 7.4.2.

    I have installed older versions of the libraries like KFL 2 v1.2.0, Analog Dreams 2.0.3, Noire 1.1.0 but the problem persists.

    Strangely in Reaper if I open my track preset with Noire in Kontakt 6 it works fine, but if I try to load Noire in an empty Kontakt 6 or 7, I get this "too old to load".

    Please help.

    JMANARTIST Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Excited when I got my new my expansions and instruments and I go to open them up to start working on projects and I get

    'This version of kontakt is to load this file, please update to latest version.'

    I have the current version of Kontakt 7 and I just installed everything from the Native Access app.

    I can understand why there might be some difficulty with third-party VSTs but it doesn't make any sense for you guys to have a bug that doesn't allow for seamless installations and functionality. You should be sending out credits and refunds for making us buy stuff that doesn't install and work properly and then have us research a workaround for your shortcomings.

    Come on why are you overworking your users? If they are spending money in your ecosystem you make it as easy as possible for them to use your products, especially with some of the costs associated.

    Please do better than this, I know you can because you have been and done better. This is frustrating. If you sell someone something it should be easy to install and use, we shouldn't be spending hours to work out the system's DRM issues.

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,075 Expert


    "I have the current version of Kontakt 7 and I just installed everything from the Native Access app"

    What library (s) are giving you the "too old" message?

    And - regardless of whether Kontakt 7 "appears" to current - if your version is not 7.6.x (or higher) - you will continue to see this message.

    100% guarantee that if that message is appearing - your version of Kontakt needs to be addressed.


  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    Hey @Jeremy_NI

    I am on win 10 and get this, too, when loading Play Series plugins in Maschine.

    I have the latest KT7 player and Kontakt 6 full latest version. Native Access says no updates available.

    I have "always use latest version" unchecked in the plugin preferences of Maschine to stop the Kontakt 7 player from hogging ALL of the launches.

    When I load the Kontakt 7 player first, I can load the Play Series plugins. So, didn't you guys think of a way to actually link the plugins which need Kontakt 7 to the right plugin, because right now this is breaking the Maschine browser.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,021 mod

    You can download older libraries for the Play series from here - Previous versions of recently updated Kontakt libraries / compatibility with K6 older libraries — Community (native-instruments.com)

    Those will load in K6 or K7.

    -- Mike

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro
    edited December 2023

    I have both K6 and K7 installed. My gripe is why the heck is there no link between the required player and the plugin?

  • miclevels285
    miclevels285 Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    The Native Access Update on Kontakt 7 doesn't allow me to access my old previous plugins like Twenty Five, Noire and MeltedVibes amongst others. They work fine previously but since the update I am now getting the " Your Version Of Kontakt 7 is too Old " message. This is making my Purchased plugins useless, HOW IS THIS FAIR!!!. How can I go back to the previous version. I am not looking to purchase a new MAC just so I can use this software.

  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,021 mod
    edited December 2023
  • Chris Tree
    Chris Tree Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hey, sorry to necro this, but I was having this issue today, and the fixes here didn't really seem to do the trick (outside of using older versions intentionally which I just didn't want to cave to)

    For me, this was resolved going to the Plug In settings in the options, and checking "Always Use Latest Version of NI Plug-ins"

    Hope this helps.

    -Chris Tree

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