Battery wont save vst state in projects

nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member
edited October 2024 in Battery 4

I was using battery yesterday and I edited some of the samples (made adjustements in battery) within the interface and when I re open the project it forgets the adjustments, i.e. pitch adjustments, filters, volume etc.

Am I required to save alternate versions of the kits now?


Best Answer

  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member
    Answer ✓

    I brought in another song and same thing, while using battery this time, i changed two of the samples to my own samples not in the packs after bringing the project from the other computer and it wont even save the changes to the pads, if I close the window and open it back up again it defaults to how I opened the instance of battery after searching for the "missing samples", the missing samples being the same library files that are not found when switching computers. so its like the state of the plug in is locked from where it was brought from, or frozen or something. I am able to add other things to the project, tracks, effects etc. just cannot edit the battery instances, i even tried to duplicate the track to see what happens. The second instance is able to edit the pads and hold the changes. It still doesnt save the unchanged pad file locations on saving, but the changed pads took. Here is the wierdest part. I decided to delete the track with the original instance of battery on it. This time saving again and closing and opening the daw. this time I didn't have to search for files again and my pads were edited and held.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod


    normally it should work without saving the preset but have you tried it? And what DAW do you use, is it up to date have you tried to start it as administrator if on windows.

  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member

    I user reaper, it is up to date, i could try administrator, but it always strikes me as unusual when one plugin isnt working normally.

    On other thing, i was saving the project on another computer and then bringing into another, i.e. saving my project on my laptop and opening it on my desktop, both have the same plugins, versions and all other plugins are operating normal

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited December 2023

    Ok i also have reaper and can try to save something on my laptop and open it on my desktop. There is only a known issue if samples are not exactly in the same path. But that's maybe another one.

    P.S. i tried with maschine and there it works as you expect it to be

  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member

    did you make any changes to the settings inside battery, like pitching, effects or adjusting a sample on the desktop? I write alot on my laptop but I need to make my final moves on the desktop with the monitors, so sometimes I make adjustments, im writing some more stuff to test with this week, so I will give it another go and try to pinpoint the problem, but last night when I tried it again the desktop would not keep the adjustments to the sample.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod

    I loaded a kit and selected the first cell with a kick and I cranked all FX pots up to max, so I can quickly see it, if I should do something else just write and I will try.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,322 mod
    edited December 2023

    So I did further testing and the stuff you've mentioned doesn't get saved, even if I save it in reaper and re-open it right after on the same computer- the sampler settings are gone.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod
    edited December 2023

    I don"t have Reaper and Windows at hand at the moment but I'll ask if we can repro this.

  • Sufox
    Sufox Member Posts: 8 Member

    Was not able to repro this here ... Win 10 Reaper 6.53 tried with Battery 4.3.0 VST and VST3

    What I did to test:

    • new reaper project
    • load Battery VST or VST3
    • load one sample to the first cell
    • adjust some parameters of that Cell (tune, envelope AHD, Filter, Comp)
    • save the reaper project, close reaper
    • reopen reaper and the project
    • all adjustments I made are recalled correctly

    Can you please try the same with a clean simple project in reaper ?

    Do you still get the problem ?

    If it works for you with the simple repro above, there might be an issue within your other reaper projects like:

    • more then one instance of battery
    • some samples missing somewhere in a battery instance
    • these missing samples were maybe not resolved correctly before the project was recalled ...
    • this might have created a broken plugin chunk ...

    Possible workaround:

    • save out monolith Kits from all your Battery instances in the project
    • kill the battery plugin instances from your tracks
    • resave your project as a new file (do not overwrite in case it does not help)
    • close and reopen Reaper ... load the newly saved project
    • add your Battery instances were you deleted them
    • load your kits, which you saved as monoliths before
  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2023

    That issue was not recreated correctly it's when you make adjustments when you reopen it on the other computer and then save it, that is when the adjustments don't seem to take

    I'm on reaper 7.05 and battery 4.3.0

  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member

    I have re checked and verified the issue is still persistant, i saved the file on the laptop, same versions of software, daw and battery.

    Opened up project on desktop with same versions of software, daw and battery. Upon loading it said their were missing samples which were resolved and the music played correctly. Made adjustments to the kick drum and some other samples in the battery interface like transient, compressor, reverb sends etc within battery. Had it soundin great and saved it.

    Reopened the project on the desktop where it was open and playing 1 min ago. Battery asks to find the files again, this time asking for different samples that it had previously loaded, like it has some of Burnt Hues and Lilac Glare and actually a 3rd library sample but only asked for the Lilac Glar Samples this time, it also lost all changes to the individual samples' settings.

    It just plays like it did originally which is ok, but why the state of battery cannot be changed or saved in this instance is puzzling

  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member
    edited December 2023

    So I tried again this morning and every time I would load my project even after saving in reaper it would ask for the samples again. So I went into native access and checked the sample library location (desktop) and it was correct (for the desktop), for the hell of it I decided to reinstall the sample pack into the regular library location I use on the desktop, just replacing the files, Now I am able to adjust and save and it does not ask about the location.

    So sample absolute location rather than sample relative location is somewhat important if this holds true, im going to try it on some more battery kits and report back. I had thought maybe the sample librarys would be ok once the files were pointed to correctly but that new location would not save in the instance in the daw. leading me to have to repoint to the files every time and not having adjustments saved.

    ill keep updating the findings, im going to try more kits this weekend and hopefully not have to move the library location on the laptop.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @nitrousbob Thanks for the update. Let us know your findings.

  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member
    Answer ✓

    I brought in another song and same thing, while using battery this time, i changed two of the samples to my own samples not in the packs after bringing the project from the other computer and it wont even save the changes to the pads, if I close the window and open it back up again it defaults to how I opened the instance of battery after searching for the "missing samples", the missing samples being the same library files that are not found when switching computers. so its like the state of the plug in is locked from where it was brought from, or frozen or something. I am able to add other things to the project, tracks, effects etc. just cannot edit the battery instances, i even tried to duplicate the track to see what happens. The second instance is able to edit the pads and hold the changes. It still doesnt save the unchanged pad file locations on saving, but the changed pads took. Here is the wierdest part. I decided to delete the track with the original instance of battery on it. This time saving again and closing and opening the daw. this time I didn't have to search for files again and my pads were edited and held.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,837 mod

    @nitrousbob So you are faced with this issue: I Can't Relocate Missing Samples in Battery

    This is a long standing bug and it seems that your initial issue, changes not being recalled when exchanging projects between computers is linked to it.

    The good news is that there should be a Battery update soon fixing this long lasting bug. I can't share an ETA yet though.

  • nitrousbob
    nitrousbob Member Posts: 14 Member

    ok, at least I have a way by duplicating the track and then being able to continue working at the moment.

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