Reaktor 6.5 and Mac OS Sonoma. Issues ? Fixes ? Updates ?????

Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Hi there

I was recently "forced" to update to Mac Os Sonoma (14.1) because of a glitchy Monterey update that bricked my MBP (thanks a lot Apple. It's a known issue and I'll pass on that because it makes me angry).

I noticed that almost everything is working fine in Sonoma, but some Plugin Alliance and Native Instruments plugins.

More precisely, and speaking only about NI plugins, I noticed some glitchy CPU spikes with Reaktor and/or Kontakt but it's difficult to pinpoint the culprit with precision.

I know for sure, as a fact (because I noticed that in a session where I've got only 2 tracks and 2 plugins), that the Razor's preset "Fairy Tale" is causing some crazy CPU spikes.

I use a MBP M1 pro that is ultra solid otherwise.

Do you have similar issues ? Is it a known fact ? Is a fix planned ?


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod

    I'm on a M1Max and Sonoma. Fairytale has always been one of the more demanding patches, on my system it uses 8-10% of 1 core so is usable though, whereas most use just 2-3%. Not getting glitches

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor


    On my system this Fairytale patch uses the exact same % of my CPU (at least, as indicated by the CPU meter in Reaktor), so it's clearly very low and in theory usable, AND it produces the CPU spikes I'm speaking about... I can even see them in the CPU meter in Reaktor : it stays at 8%, and sometimes there's an orange or red bar and it's the CPU spike.

    Are you using Ableton Live 11 ?

    I'm becoming a bit mad wiuth these issues. I'm thinking about re-installing everything from scratch because since I needed to update to Sonoma I've got problems with Plugin Alliance and Native Instruments plugins.

    Today I noticed I have also an issue with Kontakt, but only on some patches, and I don't see any clear pattern so far.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod

    No Logic (I can try in Live though)

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    If you could try this patch, yes it could be great.

    I was playing it at 48kHz / 128 samples, only one sustained note

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,222 mod
    edited November 2023

    I always work at 48 myself anyway (and 128 as a rule) - sorry I can't replicate this - took a screen recording to show you (and this is just using the MacOs native Studio Display drivers, not even my Fireface) - where it climbs higher I'm using chords of 4-6 notes sustained - I'm on Sonoma 14.1.1

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    Thanks a lot. So it must be something else in my system…

  • Calagan
    Calagan Member Posts: 187 Advisor

    This morning I wanted to record my screen while running my faulty session : no CPU spike !

    I'm gonna search for an occultist to take care of my issue, and will come back here to tell you what happens exactly on my machine... 🤔

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