Can you change key bindings on Kontakt 7?

manfex Member Posts: 7 Member

I've noticed backspace now deletes the whole instrument in Kontakt 7. In Kontakt 6 and 5 it did not. Can I disable that shortcut or change it to something else? I've accidentally deleted several edited instruments because I'm trying to save a preset inside a Kontakt instrument, and I need to delete the default name of the save inside that instrument, so when there's text on the field, I naturally press backspace, and then the whole instrument just disappears, super annoying and I am running out of hair to pull.


Best Answer


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru
    Answer ✓
  • manfex
    manfex Member Posts: 7 Member

    How annoying. I can't think of any case I would like to use a shortcut to close a Kontakt instrument when most of the work is done with a mouse, and there's not even an undo if you accidentally do it

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru


  • JJRP
    JJRP Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Very late to the thread but this key binding interrupts my workflow in Cubase countless times a day (after years of happily using the delete key for it's default Cubase behavior without having to bother about whether the kontakt window was focused) and I curse NI every time it happens.

    It's like they added a button specifically just to waste my time with the added troll of including no way of switching it off and for this I hate them with the searing heat of a million suns.

  • JJRP
    JJRP Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    Just done it again. FFS I was sure I'd clicked on the Cubase window that time.

  • JJRP
    JJRP Member Posts: 3 Newcomer

    And again. I've half a mind to post every time that binding trips me up until they add the option to disable it.

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