MK2 HELP :( w/ mk3 question

coreyus Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Maschine

hello all! Ive had my MK2 for 11 years - solid no issues. the other day it fell off rolling table onto carper floor and landed on usb cord in port on back and bent port a bit. now it doesn't power up, just flashes and then nothing. my heart is broken! :( Sent in support ticket asking if it can be serviced - anyone have experience with servicing an older unit? Id like to get it working again - any ideas on where to send if not into NI (if they even help with that)?

Also - "dumb" question...but if I were to upgrade to mk3, all 30 existing expansions will seamlessly connect and current mk2 projects will open no prob, right?

probably a good idea to update anyways..but I love my mk2 and it has served me so well, its like my best friend broke his foot and we have to put him down and I dont want to! Id like to get it serviced and working again...seems like an easy fix for a tech...please let me know what I can do! thanks in advance!


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    Open a ticket and they will tell ya.

    I replaced the USB on a Maschine controller myself successfully, on another model I broke it, and I also had an electronics repair professional do it for me on another one... So... plenty of experience here. :)

    The guy at the local repair shop didn't even charge me, I took the controller already dissembled, and a spare USB connector with me (they cost 2$) and just asked: "Can you desolder this broken connector and solder this new one?" - he just did it right away, 0.0$ lol I also told friends who often call me about Ni gear and had them do the same for Mk2s, MK3s, Z2, etc.

    My guess is it's gonna be more expensive to send and fix your out-of-warranty MK2 compared to its current used market price. Personally, I'd fix it locally, a USB connector is not some fancy proprietary tech that requires official HW repair, or buy a used MK3.

  • coreyus
    coreyus Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    thanks for the info! wow sounds like a common thing. great idea to try the fix locally. you buy the part on amazon? you took to local "electronics repair guy"?

  • coreyus
    coreyus Member Posts: 4 Newcomer
    edited November 2023

    like this part?

  • bfarrellnz
    bfarrellnz Member Posts: 20 Member

    Also, as your projects should be unaffected if you upgrade to an mk3 as the software you are using should be the same.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    I usually buy those things on electronics shops rather than Amazon to find the best quality possible but yes, that's the exact part.

    USB 2.0, 4pin, Type B, 90° - with the 2 holding prongs (not sure what that's actually called)

    Just hope that what broke was the connector and not the PCB, I'd there's a 95% chance of success but do it at your own risk.

    Yes, the software doesn't care which controller you use.

  • coreyus
    coreyus Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    thank you very much!

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