The ideal plugin for changing the voice/voice acting sound.

Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru
edited October 2024 in Guitar Rig & FX

I had experimenet with some effects from GR7, such as SOLID EQ and TRANSPOSE STRETCH, they are actually decent for changing the voice if you are voicing typical cartoony characters, monsters, demons, entities, robots etc...

But is there an ideal plugin or pitch shift effect that can just change the pitch of you voice perfectly without the grain sound and quality loss(FL Studio has that perfect pitch shift algorhythm where there is no grain and clipping effect, and plus, it also has a feature that let's you change the pitch without sounding too much like a chipmunk)?


Best Answer


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    To simplify and clarify: it would be great to have a pitch shift effect that uses AI algorhythm or NI's ICM technology to change the pitch of a human without losing quality or even sounding like a typical chipmunk (high pitch) or a monster(low pitch), to just change the pitch like the puberty changes it, to make the pitch shift effect imitate the natural phase of a human's voice pitch change like FL studio does.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    Answer ✓

    Have you ever heard of Celemony's Melodyne ? :

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    I will try it.


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    By the way, is Melodyne Essentials great for changing the pitch of a human voice without losing quality?

    Because tis my only need for Melodyne, no Multi Tracking, no Midi to Audio and vice versa, only the highest quality for changing only one voice's pitch without quality loss.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 6,009 mod
    edited November 2023

    Haven't used it that much myself and then not recently , but there is a free trial of the Studio version and the Melodyne 5 essential is half price until tomorrow. I can not find any trial with the limitations of the Melodyne 5 essential which is what is needed here if you want to try it..

    You could also try the Brainworx bx_crispytuner of which there must be a free trial if using their app (?) Never used it myself so I don't know the actual pitch shifting capabilities ..

    Else try Google : best vocal pitch shifter plugin

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Once again, thanks!

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,405 Expert
    edited November 2023

    Maybe something like bx_crispytuner (as mentioned by PoorFellow) or Soundtoys' Little AlterBoy.

    You should definitely watch some YouTube videos before you buy, to see if it's working for you.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,366 Expert

    It sounds like you're talking about the formant rather than pitch.

    There's Waves Vocal Bender and also OVox, which is more sophisticated.

    A quick Google brings up this list:

    With these electronic methods, you will always get some kind of processed sound, because the sound is.....being processed.

    The old school way would have been to record onto a tape set to the wrong speed, then play it back at normal speed. Voila! Change of pitch without processing.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Once again, thanks guys, all of you!

    I am asking this cause I am trying to make even more voices (I am doin voice impressions for fun) so formant and pitch changes without grain sound and quality loss would be great for me.

  • gigino
    gigino Member Posts: 18 Member
    edited April 2024

    Q: Translation inserted by Moderator (translation by DeepL)

    HelloI was told that Melodyne is not compatible with Maschine 2, is that possible? Why?

    Community Code of Conduct - Please read before posting : Quote : Our community is currently only available in English. Please be advised that we retain the right to remove any posts in languages other than English.

  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,021 Guru

    Could you please translate your comment to English, good sir?

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