Take sound from club's mixer, not from Traktor

nervwa Member Posts: 12 Member

Hello community,

Playing at a club most often i connect my Traktor S2 Mk3 to Pioneer DJM mixer or so, is there a method to have master output sound from DJM sound card and not from Tractor device? As sometime the sound is very poor in chain Traktor -> Mixer -> Dynamics and much better when playing Mixer -> Dynamics.

Thanks in advance.



  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    You may setup Traktor to use the audio interface you like. So it should not be problem to use Pioneer DJM if you have a driver for that interface (or it does not need a driver).

  • nervwa
    nervwa Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you, this is a good news i can, but.. How can i do it? I connect Traktor with DJM by RCA-RCA cable. I need to have sound data pass from my computer, through Traktor device (where i physically mix it), go to DJM and only here became a sound signal for amplifier... Is there an option in Traktor software to have sound bypassed Traktor Control sound card?

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited February 2022

    You can do it 2.5 ways.

    1) Use the djm sound card - Traktor internal mix mode - Edit> djm 1+2 (for ch1 mixer channel strip) to monitor - djm 3+4 (for Ch2 mixer channel strip) to master out.

    By doing it this way you will need to plug the headphones into the djm mixer and have Ch1 line fader always down, Ch1 headphone cue always on and all other cues off. You can use your controller to to select cue and cue style (normal/split cue) but you have to change the headphone volume on the djm. Xfader on djm off or always on the channel assigned to master out

    2) Use the djm sound card - Traktor external mix mode - Assign each Traktor deck to each djm channel.

    By doing this the software xfader will be unavailable and you will have to use the djm for mixing while using the deck controls on the controller. All Traktor effects can be used only in insert mode. You can still use Traktor internal channel strips just not xfader.

    0.5) Aggregate device (Mac) Asio4all (Windows). You can combine S2+djm soundcards and use the controller for monitoring and djm for main output.

  • nervwa
    nervwa Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited February 2022

    Thanks bro.

    Guess that first method is more convenience as all mixing done on one device - Traktor Control. Not sure i understand everything correctly...

    You wrote: Use the djm sound card - Traktor internal mix mode - Ch1 monitor - Ch2 master out.

    I have it like on the pic. Connect to monitors via RCA-RCA cable. May be i need to have a Pioneer DJM driver installed to be able to choose CH1/CH2 in output Routing?

    In this case i guess that DJM should be connected by USB cable into the computer, the DJM sound device should be choose in Computer Audio Setup, the DJM audio device should be and choose in Traktor software.

    Correct me please if....

  • Wyley
    Wyley Member Posts: 239 Pro
    edited February 2022

    I was talking about the stereo pair for ch1 channel strip on the mixer the same for ch2 on the mixer. Sorry for the confusion 😅 It would look something like this; Output monitor = djm1 + djm2 for channel 1 on the mixer and Output master = djm3 + djm4 for channel 2 on the mixer.

  • nervwa
    nervwa Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hey bro, its me again. So on Saturday i'm going to try this out in a club. There will be DJM 2000 Nexus.

    You wrote:

    "By doing it this way you will need to plug the headphones into the djm mixer and have Ch1 line fader always down, Ch1 headphone cue always on and all other cues off. You can use your controller to to select cue and cue style (normal/split cue) but you have to change the headphone volume on the djm. Xfader on djm off or always on the channel assigned to master out"

    So mixer's Ch1 and Ch2 will be for monitor, say for headphones. Ch3 & Ch4 for master out. But how i can have both headphones' ears work if i have only one mixer's CUE on? To hear in both ears i guess i need Ch1 & Ch2 CUE on and both faders down... Also to have stereo gone for master i have to have both Ch3 & Ch4 faders up...

    Do i?

  • nervwa
    nervwa Member Posts: 12 Member

    Thank you my friend. Yesterday i did everything you advised. Got crystal clear sound via Function One. Wish you everything the best!

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