Crossgrade from Komplete 14 to Nectar 4 Advanced

jakubpatok Member Posts: 67 Advisor
edited October 2024 in Other Software & Hardware

Hello everyone!

I'm thinking about buying Nectar 4 Advanced. In various webstores (for example JRRShop), I've seen the offer of crossgrading from Native Instruments Komplete 14 to iZotope Nectar 4 Advanced. I am wondering how it is verified that I actually own Komplete 14? As far as I know, our iZotope and NI accounts are not merged yet. I have Komplete 14 registered on the NI account and I would have to register Nectar on my iZotope account. How does it work? I don't want to buy this product and then not be able to properly install the plugin, only wasting my money. Help!


  • Milos
    Milos Member Posts: 2,020 Guru

    You should not really trust these websites about Crossgrade upgrades.

    Only if the official websites NI and Izotope both agree and confirm that.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,501 mod
    edited November 2023

    Immediately I would have responded like Milos , but I looked into it and the crossgrades are also sold by Thomann and PluginBoutique. So that must be OK , only : only ever buy from a trustworthy site such as e.g. these , and also be sure to buy the correct product / type of crossgrade :

    iZotope Nectar 4 Adv UG NC3, NI K13/14 :

    Nectar 4 Advanced Upgrade from Nectar 3, Music Production Suite 4 or 5, or KOMPLETE 13 or 14 :

    For instructions then look at the bottom of the PluginBoutique page and click the Installation Instructions : View Now !

    iZotope Nectar 4 Advanced - Upgrade from Nectar 3/3 Plus, Ozone 10 Advanced, MPS 4/5 or Komplete 13/14 Standard/Ultimate : (Software Is Not Returnable) Please contact your Sweetwater Sales Engineer if you have any questions.

    To the extend that the installation instructions are not complete then just ask customer service at place of purchase prior of purchase , and read TOS to see if they offer a refund or not. As you can see above then apparently at least Sweetwater do not offer a return so make sure to buy the correct upgrade. But shop still ought to have an obligation as far as the product working for what is sold for.

    ALSO : The deal is also offered directly at the IZOTOPE site , to use deal then just add to cart at the page : But at least at the moment then there still are no specific instructions shown or to be found not on the Izotope site either !

  • jakubpatok
    jakubpatok Member Posts: 67 Advisor

    Thank you for your answers!

    @PoorFellow I would actually like to see some more specific information about this because in the installation instruction on, for example, Plugin Boutique there is nothing about the crossgrade from the products registered to a Native Instruments account. Maybe someone from Native Instruments can answer my question? If not, then I'd need to contact the support. I hope they'll be able to answer that before the deal is over. BTW, I think that the JRRShop is also quite trustworthy and their deal is definitely the most economic.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,501 mod
    edited November 2023

    Yes, I understand that you would like some more specific answers , so would I. There are however none given to find on-line for users. And usually there are no N.I. forum staff to call/'ping' in the weekends , so we can not call N.I. forum staff for you, and even on a daily basis it can take literally days to get a staff answer in the forum due to the sale.

    The advice I have given , though maybe considered not satisfactory in connection with the question, is a very best effort on my part. Even the support at the respective third-party sites may not know before having looked into it (asked N.I. / iZotope) .

    So of course ask support at iZotope or N.I. as you think fit . Only expect that it may take a while , up to a week , for them to get back to you because of the sales !

    (Problem is that the crossgrade to N.I. products is a new thing and also the fusion of the N.I. with the iZotope site is not finished. but if you buy at the iZotope site I can not see how you could get into trouble if you have the required Komplete 13/14 Standard to upgrade from)

  • jakubpatok
    jakubpatok Member Posts: 67 Advisor

    @PoorFellow I am sorry, maybe I should have worded my answer differently. I don't expect more specific answer from you. What I meant is that I'd need something more concrete before the purchase. Thank you for your help anyway! I hope I'll find the answer before the sale finishes.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,501 mod
    edited November 2023

    It's quite alright , I understand how annoying and frustrating the lack of any real information is. But since the type of crossgrade is very new then very few people have bought the crossgrades yet and N.I. / iZotope have not yet updated their loyalty Offers FAQ.

    But since that the Nectar 4 Advanced is now even sold at the N.I. site then it could be as simple as that you get a serial key that you can just fill in into the Native Access or it could be as hard as that customer service (N.I. or iZotope) have to fix it , that has been seen now and then with respect to e.g. vouchers issued not working. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if one just have to fill in the key in N.A. to register as crossgrade to K14 Standard or better though there is no mention of the crossgrade on the N.I. site only on the iZotope site !. But you will have to ask customer service or support to get any confirmation or other instructions... (here or elsewhere)

    By the way , then e.g. both Ozone 11 Advanced and Music Production Suite 6 shows crossgrade prices at the N.I. site , at least for me there is, but nothing like that is yet showing for Nectar 4 Advanced for me (though it shows an 'upgrade price' when I look at the general overview list of software but it is only shown there) . But I think that we are going to see a lot more product integration and 'loyalty offers' , who knows what we will see at an eventual Black Friday sale next year if there is one !

    I hope that you find the answer to your question soon.

    Best regards !

  • jakubpatok
    jakubpatok Member Posts: 67 Advisor

    @PoorFellow That's true! I've noticed these things as well. I hope someone from NI will reply to this topic and provide some clarification. I've also contacted the support and I am waiting for their reply.

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