Vast Dynamics NKS

Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,422 mod
edited November 2024 in NKS User Library

This discussion was created from comments split from: NKS User Library



  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 415 Advisor
    edited May 2024

    Vaporizer2 NKS

    I tried to analyze the NKS files that are big to understand why they are so huge but I don't get it. loads and loads of numbers . Anyway since it is so big I can host it and share the link if you want to add it to the collection fell free to do so

    All Factory Bank, Sub Bank presets with previous and NKS Mapped from a the VST 3 version. Love the sounds of this synth they are very good


  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited May 2024

    Vaporizer2 NKS (Fixed previews & missing sounds)

    Here are some fixes on Vaporizer previews. I think that there were just five that were 5kb or less or silent and one that was missing. I have created these and attached (GT Guitar is an approximate sound as I could not get it to output, but it sounds close). Also attached are some icons.

    BA 5th Bass 3.nksf.ogg

    BA Deep 5ths.nksf.ogg

    BA Sub Bass.nksf.ogg

    PD Hyper Phaser.nksf.ogg

    PN Granula Vapiano.nksf.ogg

    GT Guitar.nksf.ogg (missing)

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,422 mod

    Vaporizer2 NKS (Universal Template)

    by @Kymeia

    Download here

  • Chregg
    Chregg Member Posts: 40 Newcomer

    vapourize wont load from previews, tried so many times to get it to load, to no avail

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,328 mod
    edited June 2024

    What do you mean 'from previews'? Previews are just the audio file, you can't load anything from them. Do you mean from the NKS, that's why I made the universal template because the old NKS files only worked with the VST2 version. If anyone wants to use that to save out the presets feel free but personally I'm happy just being able to control it as most of the presets are not bothering with tbh

  • Chregg
    Chregg Member Posts: 40 Newcomer

    on my kks49 mk11, going through the previews and hit load, the plug in doesnt load, have to do it manually

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,328 mod
    edited June 2024

    You mean you are trying to load it from the NKS patches made by @Kaldosh then - unfortunately I think they were made for the VST3 version but on Intel or possibly Windows, I get migration errors trying to load these on my M1, and there are no patches for the native VST3 yet, only my Universal template

    Actually they must have been made on Windows as they don't even load in Rosetta mode for me, I guess there is such a big difference between the 2 versions, maybe they have different plugin IDs or something?

  • Chregg
    Chregg Member Posts: 40 Newcomer

    ive noticed theres problems with the vst2 vst 3 thing, uhe hive, wont load the nks patches unless the vst 2 version is installed, im just using the vst 3 template, everything is mapped to program, im on windows

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,328 mod
    edited June 2024

    Yeah on Windows uhe NKS are still VST2 based apart from Diva

    If you are on Windows though I have no idea why the Vaporizer NKS are not working for you as I assumed the problem was to do with me being on M1 Mac

  • jggorman
    jggorman Member Posts: 208 Advisor
    edited June 2024

    Mine was working, then I had to roll back to an earlier version VST2. This software has been problematic from the beginning. I suggest try different versions. I am using 3.3.0 VST2 and 2.4.5 VST3.

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 415 Advisor

    I personally have problems with all my nks home made presets since last maschine updates

    years of work corrupt and destroyed , I have backups fortunately but it really feels like sabotage at the end of the day. whatever interfered is non of my concern but it is going really bad all round.

    I am sorry to say that I never felt welcome since day one most of the time just because I pulled out the wrong number in your algorith, but one day we might get our brains heart and souls back on track and realise what we are and what we did to ourselves.

    I am just so kind and helpful person I could never get the point the culprit nor the reason of this harrassing behaviour but I can live with myself and watch myself in the mirror after this long bad mental issues I had to go through which I which to no one . I am brave and strong enough to do it all ever again anyway and will double the effort to guarantee my work can remain stable and fixed quick and easy in the future anyway. always learned the hard way being orphan so young.

    The dynamic in this user forum always felt good and just wanted to be part of it never knew if my work was ever welcome or not πŸ’†. I kind of being a bit more sure where it stands now and will keep it for myself leaving the Big Guns doing them Big WOrk without interfering I promise.

    Trying to sell all my gear anyway hoping for a reworked product and a new begining. Time to find a new person to bully . πŸ˜›

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,328 mod
    edited June 2024

    Kaldosh no one is blaming you for them not working, it seems to be some weirdness to do with this particular plugin. Of course your contributions are welcome and I am not aware of anyone harassing you over this but if they are report it to the mods. Please don't take the above comments personally. This is not the first time where we have had NKS created on one system not working on another, we had similar problems with Vavra for example and there have been others.

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,422 mod
    edited June 2024

    I like a lot the way you write and this "openness" of your self.

    This is a real virtue, in both, personal life and community (even online community) and I would love to see and meet more people like you.

    From my part, you are most welcome. And your work too! :-)

  • Kaldosh
    Kaldosh Member Posts: 415 Advisor

    You have no idea if your truthful (as it seem to be a luxury nowadays or because I've lost that much already) how I feels good to read, though It seems the user path in Maschine has changed , I have double entry and it is not pointing anymore to the righ user content path which I can't change nor modify because it either tells me the user path already exist but in the meantime says it cannot locate it, like Pharaos outcome , one way or an another nor neither nor you have no way out, it is uterly annoying and only NI can fix this not me . though it breaks all my work and forbid me to work so as nice as reading this sounds , the problem comes from the sofware and I can't fix it. If you want to point me to the right person to solve this I'll be very pleased because at this point it is more than abnormal .

  • Sunborn
    Sunborn NKS User Library Mod Posts: 3,422 mod

    The problem is that you are on Mac, and i have no idea about Mac structure… if you were on Windows we could easily fix such issue, through the registry! Maybe Kymeia or another Mac user can help.

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