M32 transport control not scrolling the screen.

Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but when I use M32's transport control jog wheel/joystick to scrub the track the screen does not follow the cursor. It just disappears behind the screen edges. When I use keyboard cursor keys the arrangement view follows the cursor.

The same applies to selecting tracks/region with the joystick. When I use M32 the selection disappears. When I use keyboard arrow keys the screen follows the selection.

Is there any setting that makes the M32 jog wheel/joystick work as intended?


  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member

    Here is ny configuration inside Live

  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2023

    This website is treating me like a spammer and not allowoing me to post links.

    I'll try to fool it


    Here is a link to a video I recorded that is showing the problem.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,589 mod

    You're not doing anything wrong, thats how it works. I'd also prefer it to work like the computer arrow keys work.

    The right/left arrows on the computer keyboard use a different method from the one KK uses to move the playhead, according to the Ableton Live unofficial API documentation theres 2 ways:

    1. scrub_by()Method - Same as jump_by, but does not stop playback.
    2. jump_by()Method - Set a new playing pos, relative to the current one.

    I guess NI uses #2, which changes the playhead position while theres playback and also seems not to trigger Ableton "Follow"; it only does so if there is both Playback and Follow is enabled (Ableton's top bar).

    Theres no solution other than modding the python remove scripts.

    Sorry, it's the forum spam protection, new users cant post links, i fixed it for you this time.

  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member

    Would you please elaborate about modding this python script?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,589 mod
    edited November 2023

    Not sure what you mean, that would be a long explanation...

    It certainly would not be trivial for someone who is not a developer or at least has a minimum understanding of both Python as-well as Ableton Remote Script API, if you have either I can elaborate if not theres no point as you have zero chance of fixing it yourself. If you have a bit of dev experience let me know and I can explain where to look, how to decompile the python remote scrips, etc...

  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member

    Don't you worry, I'm a C++ programmer so I can handle Python.

    I found some compiled scripts in:

    D:\APPS\AUDIO\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts

    But comparing decompiled scripts of Komplete_Kontrol_A ( which I'm supposed to use with M32 ) for example with Komplete_Kontrol_S_Mk3 they are almost empty. It's like the support for M32 is not there yet.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,589 mod
    edited November 2023

    Ohhhhhh, OK, now your question makes a lot more sense :D

    What are you using? https://pypi.org/project/uncompyle6/ ?

    Komplete_Kontrol_A is super simple compared to the big brothers, it has some of dependencies, like

    So i'd start there and decompile that folder too:

    You might need to snoop around some more sub dependencies, to find out the methods used for scrolling and if you can even change it.

  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member

    Right, deps. I've batch decompiled the whole tree with uncompyle6 and looked for the functions you mentioned before.

    Search for jump_by( yields the following results:

    scrub_by( has no matches

  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member

    I found another issue. The autorepeat of joystick directions don't work. It does when I use MackieControl script, but the functionality is very limited to just basic play/rec/stop and joystick.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,589 mod
    edited November 2023

    Hummm... Than it might just be the scroll_view() in the KK_A folder, it can take a a few arguments, maybe one of those is responsible for the way it scrolls? Hard to guess this stuff without official documentation, I generally just try to guess names and search https://nsuspray.github.io/Live_API_Doc/11.0.0.xml There's a chance that theres no way for scripts to scroll the way the PC arrows do too. :S

    Try asking someone with AL script experience, Elton might give you a reply since he does this:


    If this was important to me I'd try to find if theres a remote script that scrolls the way you want first, then just see how they are doing it.

    Scripts often have issues, unfortunately.

  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2023

    The official documentation is not really helping. The key in any docs is to define function arguments.

    I'm guessing the only way forward is trial and error. Shame on you Ableton devs.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,589 mod
    edited November 2023

    haah Yeah. Well, that documentation is not from the devs, or the company... At least theres something unlike NI 🤷‍♂️

    That docu is really just to get an ideia on where to look or what keywors to search, you then gotta go snoop around in scripts to figure out how it's used, major PITA.

    I think #1 is related to which view/GUI panel is active, #2 is the integer representing direction and #4 is a bool that just checks if scrolling is possible or not, if it's not then it returns a silent error... This just me trying to guess based on what I saw, but note, I'm just a curious idiot, not an actual dev. Now I kind of feel bad for leading you towards this rabbit hole.

    Here's a couple of tips if you're gonna go for the trial and error approach:

    • Duplicate the folder of the script you're messing with and put it on 'Remote Script' folder inside the user folder, change the folder name so it can show up in the list - (quite a time saver, at least on mac where changes require password, not sure how windows works)
    • When you make changes to a script you can just use file-new or file-open to reload the AL project, it will also reload the scripts so you dont have to open/close AL all the time.
  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2023

    Tried argument #4 no change. I believe it's Live's fault as the scrolling is not shifting the screen only in the arrangement view. In the session view the focussed clip is always visible.

    UPDATE: When the last boolean argument is set to true the arrangenemt position turns into selection while using the joystick directions.

    Regarding autorepeat the MackieControl script can be used as a guide.

  • Oomek
    Oomek Member Posts: 11 Member


    I've tried moving my modified script folder from

    D:\APPS\AUDIO\Ableton\Live 11 Suite\Resources\MIDI Remote Scripts


    C:\Users\Radek\AppData\Roaming\Ableton\Live 11.3.11\Preferences\User Remote Scripts

    But it did not show in MIDI settings unfortuately.

    I have to restart Live for the changes to be recompiled.

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