Deck B+C Move over midi not working

Lexa4 Member Posts: 8 Member
edited October 2024 in Mapping Traktor

Hello all,

I try to map the Move command over midi on Deck C, but it's not working.

Same settings, only switching to Deck D, working on Deck D.

Just tried the other decks. B+C not working, A+D working.

Oh: traktor 3 versions tried: 3.8 and 3.10

Edit: Windows 10 on Intel i5 Laptop and on Ryzen 5 PC same beaviour.

Can somebody with a midi controller check this behaviour?

I use a Xone K1, but I think controller is not the poblem, cause switching to other decks works.

Add In --> Deck common --> Move --> Move

Button --> Inc --> Deck C (or B)


Button --> Dec --> Deck C (or B)




  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Sounds like you duplicated existing commands, sometimes they won't work.

    Be sure to add new commands and if you stil ahve the same issue then post your TSI to look into it.

  • Lexa4
    Lexa4 Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2023

    Deleted all Move Commands and regenerated, but still no luck.

    Also tried to switch modifiers with the bend command. Bend works with M1=0 and M1=1. But not the move command on Deck C.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Maybe the modifier is issue, it is set to only work if 1=1

  • Lexa4
    Lexa4 Member Posts: 8 Member

    The modifier is not the problem.

    Deck D is working and when switching from Deck C to A or D in the same mapping, all is working. Only Decks B + C not working.

    When switching working Deck D to B or C, it's not working.

    For deck A+B no other Command is mapped. So it is not a problem of another command.

    I also tried once to map the Seek command to a rotary encoder without modifier. Had also problems with Deck C. Deck D was working.

    Commands with modfier M1=0 are working (Bend in this settings). But not with M1=1.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    What hardware are you mapping though? Maybe you don't need a modifier - some hardware changes a channel when switching decks.

  • Lexa4
    Lexa4 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I have a S2 MK3 for Decks A & B without any changes on the assignment. So Decks C+D are controller free.

    As I got hands on a Allen & Heath Xone K1, I mapped it for the Effect sections. As it has enough controls, I wanted decks C+D, so that I have more possibilities.

  • Lexa4
    Lexa4 Member Posts: 8 Member
    edited November 2023

    Started fresh with all empty without modifiers. All decks mapped. Decks a+b+d working, Deck C not working.

    Edit: checked also with V3.51 without S2 MK3 connected on my pc. Still not possible to use Move Command an Deck C. I can map whatever Midi Note I want. Still not working.

  • Lexa4
    Lexa4 Member Posts: 8 Member

    I found the problem: it was not a controller or midi or traktor issue.

    Switched to advanced deck view and under Move it was not set to Beat Jump, but to Loop In and xFine.

    Never changed that on deck c, cause never used decks c and d till now. But now it works like expected.

  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,222 mod

    Right! You did not have other commands that the "Move" command in your mapping.

    You can also add the following two to your existing midi buttons so you don't think about those Deck preferences.

  • Lexa4
    Lexa4 Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thx for the tip. Have to look for it. But for now all is ok.

    Only have to look for a K2 now to override the AMD chipset problem with my newer laptop. K1 will not work with it.

This discussion has been closed.
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