Maschine+: Syx converted .fnm8 Patches Not Working in Maschine+

Antonio B
Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Greetings - I've transferred two .nfm8 files (one .nfm8 & one imported from Syx and saved as a .nfm8) into my Maschine+. They both show up on the Maschine+ screen (user). The file that is originally .nfm8 works in Maschine+. But the .nfm8 patch that had to first be imported from a SYX FILE, that patch (and all others - .kds imports for example) don't work in Maschine+ (theyve been saved as .nfm8 files before transferring). They work on my laptop software FM8, but not when I transfer them over to Maschine+. I get an "FM8 could not be loaded". Only the nfm8 files that did not have to be imported from ksd or syx files, work. Weird. I repeated this - transferred fnm8 patches I created myself or downloaded - they work fine. But anytime I use a patch that was imported from a Sysexor kds file - nope. They don't transfer to Maschne+. Thanks


  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    What version of FM8 do you have on your computer, and what version is on your Maschine+?

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member
    edited November 2023

    Good question. I'll take a look when I get back home. But if I create a patch on my computer ver FM8, or transfer over a nfm8 file that was not converted from a ksd,etc, it still not sure thats it. But you never know 🤔 it's worth investigating that.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member the ver in the M+ is 1.4.3 and the ver on my computer is 1.4.6+3 BUT all products are up to date on the M+ according to the update manager. My Maschine ver on the M+ (which says it is up to date) is 2.16.1 and the Maschine ver on my computer is 2.17.4

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited November 2023

    That’s what I suspected: The M+ is behind with several components. I have no idea whether the FM8 version difference is significant for patch data compatibility, but I have encountered problems with reading patches for Massive a couple of years ago and those where due to a different version (I think 1.5.7 vs 1.5.8). So, it might be the cause. Have you tried to find and install the matching FM8 1.4.3 for the computer?

    BTW, I suggest to open a ticket with NI support.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    Good idea. Thanks for the response :) My best guess is that it has something to do with the importing process of converting into .nfm8 patches. The M+ opens up patches made on the newer software FM8 - patches made directly on the computer software work in I'm thinking it's some glitch in the importing process because those are the only files that do not open.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    Oh No! Update: I took your advice to open up a ticket. In the meantime, I think I can safely say it has something to do with the importing from kds - Unfortunately, I just realized that all the MASSIVE patches that I reworked and saved from imported kds files also do not work in Maschine+ Ugh - what a bummer :(

    I would like to get that info to NI support to make them aware of that. I'm not sure I can until they get back to me though. @jeramy

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @Jeremy_NI there seems to be sa serious problem with FM8 and Massive preset files created from imported SYX and KDS files.

    I can’t test or verify as I don’t have any such files.

    @Antonio B where are those original patch files from?

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    I found them on a website that has a combination of purchasable and free patches. I believe the Massive patches came from a set called Immense Trance. They work just fine on my computer software - just an issue with Maschine+. Patches I downloaded from same site that were actually nmsv and nfm8 transfered just fine. The site is music production blog.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,856 mod

    @ozon @Antonio B Will check the advancement of the case and will update the thread once we get more insight.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    @ozon If you are interested in testing this out on your end, I've attached one of the .ksd files - I'd be curious if the issue is replicated. The .ksd file is a Massive patch. I tried saving both an edited and unedited version but no difference - once again, works fine on the computer software but error message on Maschine+.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert
    edited November 2023

    Sorry, I'm unable to download the file. Opens a window saing "This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below."

    Found a Demo Pack by CLA Sound which contains KSD patches.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert


    Massive sounds converted from KSD do not work on the Maschine+. See attached example. The sound is from a free Bass-Tec pack by CLA Sound.

    I found out that I also have old Massive sound packs by Xenos Soundworks works which do not work on the M+, most probably because they were originally converted from KSD format to MSV.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,955 Expert

    @Jeremy_NI this is definitely a Bug.

  • Antonio B
    Antonio B Member Posts: 132 Member

    @ozon Thanks for digging into this :) Sorry, the file didn't work - it appears they don't accept zipped files. Good to know! At least now the issue has been pinpointed and brought to the attention of developers. Im also glad to know its not something wrong specifically with what I'm doing on my end or a hardware issue, etc. Ciao!

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