trouble shooting pads

ronnie_cessna Member Posts: 81 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

Pad 3 on my maschine mikro 3 is only working some of the time. The problem was sudden not gradual. It lights up but only plays when it wants. It feels stiff compared to the other pads anyone have any ideas?


  • ronnie_cessna
    ronnie_cessna Member Posts: 81 Member

    Native Instruments website located a Guitar Center near me as a service center and I got the most stereo typical answer "My electronics guy said he would just buy a new drum pad" ******! lmao

  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 5,105 Expert

    If you have time, have a look at this D-One Maschine tear down.

    He made it for another problem (with knobs), but shows you how everything is accessible (and cleanable ☺️).

    Not too sure it’s gonna be helpful in any way, but surely it’s informative (and also entertaining, if you are anything like me 😂)

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod

    It lights up when you press it but doesn't register the MIDI? Odd...

    Grab the edge of the Pad with the tip of finger (or finger nail) and pull it up across all 4 sides, wiggle it around a bit, this might help displace any dirt enough to get it working.

    If the above doesn't work you can try to open it up and clean the Pad sensor sheet with some isopropyl alcohol, do it at your own risk as it will void your warranty.

  • ronnie_cessna
    ronnie_cessna Member Posts: 81 Member

    Sorry it took so long to respond; I've been a little busy. I opened Machine for the first time since then. Not only did the problem persist, now pad 2 is going in and out. I just watched the video which was definitely informative. I feel confident that I could open it up and clean the pads, but I'm also worried it could be an electrical problem. I can't find any music repair shops. If I clean it and it persists, should I try a computer repair shop or something?

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,652 mod
    edited November 2023

    Careful on how you clean it, stick to isopropyl alcohol or follow googles recommendations for cleaning electronics/PCB's.

    Was it dirty in there? Any signs of burning, loose components, bad solder joins, oxidized PCB traces, etc?

    It doesn't need to be a Music repair shop, any electronics repair shop can have a look and try, however non musically inclined people might have a hard time understanding how to test it, especially since it needs drivers installed first...

    However the repair price might not be worth it, I see Mikro MK3's on ebay going for as low as 40$ (no sw) and at max 90$.

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