Tempo issue!

Pacho213 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Traktor Software & Hardware

Hey Everyone,

I really could with some support/help please. All the sudden i have this issue where when i play any track on Deck B, the tempo has started moving constantly up and down on its own (shacking) for no reason at all. Deck A holds the exact tempo i select but as soon as i Deck B plays, it has a mind of its own.

Is this a hardware or software issue??

Cant load a video in here to show you but hopefully someone understand the issue.

Traktor pro 2 (software)

Taktor S2 (Hardware)

Many thanks :(


  • Pacho213
    Pacho213 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Note: Even with no tracks loaded and as soon as i turn on boot up Traktor proz Deck B tempo slider is shacking and moving on its own

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 688 Guru

    Are your tracks properly analyzing? A track with no set grid can sound erratic.

    Are you using a master deck to sync to? Any movement of a jog on the master can change the other decks.

    Are you using a high bitrate in your selected audio device in Audio preferences? (The S2) you shouldn't ever select anything over 48khz. And preferably match your computer soundcard of either 44khz or 48khz. I have heard problems with pitch and tempo changes when bitrate is too high.

    Take a screenshot or picture showing the decks full view so we can see what might be happening. Also take a pic of the audio preferences.

  • c0nsul
    c0nsul Member Posts: 328 Pro

    Does this also happen, when you have no controller connected?

  • Pacho213
    Pacho213 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thanks for the reply. Picture attached.

    On the pic showing the decks, i set both tempo sliders (on the S2) to the top but as per the picture, Deck B tempo is just short of thr top as highlighted. It wont go any further even though i have on the S2 controller. It constantly moving/shaking and changing minimal tempo (between 112-116bpm).

    Even if nothing is playing, you can still see the right fader moving. It just wont hold the set tempo like it used to.

    If i turn off the auto button in the master clock and set a tempo then its fine and locks tempo but obviously means i cant you the tempo faders on either deck

  • Pacho213
    Pacho213 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Thanks for the reply. No it doesn't but neither do any functions work when i disconnect the controller.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,022 mod

    If the tempo jumps are happening on a deck that is synced to a different master tempo source then i believe this may be connected to the track's beatgrid. If it's irregular/not set, the deck may think the track has locally a different bpm and must therefor adjust the tempo of the deck to push the resulting bpm to align with the master bpm.

  • red_nick
    red_nick Member Posts: 255 Advisor

    If the actual control is jumping, sounds like a dodgy fader.

    You could try compressed air to clear any debris, and fader lube to improve the connection (DeoxIT F5 is good). Failing that the fader might need replacing.

  • Sûlherokhh
    Sûlherokhh Member, Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 3,022 mod

    You are probably right. It was my first thought as well.

  • Pacho213
    Pacho213 Member Posts: 5 Newcomer

    Really appreciate all the support from everyone. Thank you!!!!!

    Yes i personally feel its a dodgy fader! Any recommendations where i can buy a replacement? Or i may just have to deal with turning off the auto button and keeping it locked on set tempo

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,772 Expert

    When you don't touch the controller, is it sending midi signals to traktor?

    There should be a symbol somewhere at the top that lights up every time traktor gets a signal.

  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 688 Guru

    If the jog or jogs are shaking a little. Then the master or the synced deck could get some movement. Things like a subwoofer close to the controller? Or a wobbly desk. But this is very rare, it would take a lot.

    The jog or jogs could also have become dirty much like the tempo faders as mentioned above.

    Please post another picture showing the first gridmarker of a track after it is analyzed. It is hard to tell if those are gridded well just showing the cue in the stripe view. Basically a picture of the master deck at the start of a track.

    Look up deoxit for fixing the faders or jogs. But unplug everything and wait to dry as well use compressed air. If you don't have a cover of some sort, get one! Decksaver brand is the best but kinda pricey.

    Also the icon at the top that is labeled CTRL is what @lord-carlos is referring to. If this flickers while you are not touching the controller it means something is moving or sensed as moving.

    If the CTRL icon doesn't light up at all and you are seeing the tempo change while not touching the S2 then more than likely your controller should be working fine.

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