Reinstall of Komplete 13 Ultimate Collector's Edition

Pkodyssey Member Posts: 1 Newcomer
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

I am reinstalling K13 on my system after a clean wipe. I have been upgrading since version 10. Does the K13 update drive have the full version of the software on it so I don't have to go through all the physical installations from v10 forward.

Also, I do not want to down load over a TB of data on my network as I have a 1.2TB cap on bandwidth.


  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    There might be few things that were in K10 and is not in K13, like Kontakt 5 and Reaktor 5. The rest would be on installation media for K13 Update/Upgrade. Ant those two you older versions you may install from older media or just download...

    The title is K13U CE. In case of this plugin you maybe will need to download Cremona Quartet (90+ GB). At least it has been so at the time of release of K13. But maybe that NI has updated the installation disc.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    I haven't heard of an updated disc. Not even sure if they do this once the media's been sent out. I'm not on a fast connection and had to download the Cremona Quartet and Arkhis potentially spreading it over months because of a data cap. In the end I went to a friends to do it. Im not sure how NA deals with it now, but I got a download link that is supposed to make it quicker.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I also got from NI links for direct download (on request). At the time of release of K13, the NI servers were overloaded and downloading so much using NA did not work well.

  • electrow2000
    electrow2000 Member Posts: 9 Member

    I upgraded to K13UCE specifically for the Cremona Q. Having an extremely slow connection NI sent me a download link. I was able to get an online dealer to do the download for me. When I got the hard drive back I discovered during installation that each of the four uncompressed downloads had missing files. So each instrument is incomplete. NI says there’s nothing else they can do. And no one I know around here has bandwidth to handle 90 gigs. At least a company like Spitfire recognizes not everyone can can handle such large downloads and offers HD version for any files you purchase. It’s frustrating that I didn’t get the product I bought and that NI doesn’t care....

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    What platform are you on MAC or PC? Can you tell us what files are missing? Also tell us what exact size the installers are. I had a huge problem with Stradivari Cello and had 3 goes downloading it at 3 different locations. In the end I got it in a Zip file. It sure was a curveball but NI did help me out and sent me links etc. If you have upgraded then you should be able to get this done. If the links you're given are still valid I would try again and if theyre not I would ask NI for new links. If the online dealer charged you for the service, Id go back and get them to do it again.

  • electrow2000
    electrow2000 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks for replying. It turns out that the Stradivari Cello is the only one with a corrupted .iso file. below is a screen shot of the cello iso contents and then the error message I get when trying to install. I wonder if there is a way to just download the corrupted file rather than the entire iso file? I'm on a PC BTW.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro
    edited March 2022

    Thanks for posting that. Im on a Mac and I had real issues going round in endless circles. I even had support trying to track down what was going on. I still believe this iso was corrupt because I downloaded it from 3 different places, and the Mac flatly refused to install it. I was able to install the others OK, albeit jumping through blockades that MacOS put up but thats another discussion.

    Very strange that the S.Cello is what your'e having difficulty with too.

    I'm not sure if it makes a difference size wise between Mac.dmg and PC .gzip but I still have those S.Cello files including the zip which did install. Have you got the exact size of the failed installer?

    When I get time, I may be able to dig in and find the info I got when I explored the iso and compare what you've posted.

    EDIT: Sorry , I didn't answer .... I dont think you can just download part of an iso file. Its a whole container.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert


    I am on Win and I located that file, you are missing. It is almost 2 GB. Still better than downloading 20+ GB of Stradivari....

    I could upload it somewhere or send on DVD, if I have permission from NI. (@Matt_NI ??) But probably better would be to ask NI Support to give you link to this very file from their servers.....

    Maybe they will learn, that not including 100+ GB of content on installation media asks for troubles....

  • electrow2000
    electrow2000 Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thank you, I wrote to support about your findings. Will repost if & when I get a response.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    @Kubrak - I know you are pretty knowledgeable about this stuff -just as a point of interest, how could this happen to have that file missing? One thing that puzzled me was no one else appeared to have the problem I did, or at least said anything on the forum. At the time, I told support I wanted to get to the bottom of it...even after I successfully installed the zip. They had me install a trial version of a program which explored the iso, but I couldn't figure out what to look for as I had nothing to compare it with.

    After all the trouble I went through I still would have sooner have had that than not have the Cremona Q at all included. I think the CQ probably was a key selling point for K13 UCE.... I agree about including future massive downloads on disks or something. Even if they had it as an option for people like us on slower connections to have it on a second drive/thumb drive, sent out.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,126 Expert

    I guess CQ was/is not on the disc because the discs were put to production before CQ has been prepared.... Also it would not fit to the disc anyway.

    Maybe it was not planned to be included in K13U CE and it is addition at latest moment.... Hard to say. But it evidently causes problems to part of users with not so good internet connection...

    I guess, that your ISO file is partially corrupted and so that file cannot be extracted. It could happen during download or when coppying and so on.... Such things may easily happen.

    I have also downloaded few ISO files for CQ and could install it without problems. So, I do not think there is something wrong with ISO on NI server.

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