Anyone heard from Paule in awhile?



  • LostInFoundation
    LostInFoundation Member Posts: 4,415 Expert
    edited October 2023

    No need for condolence, because Everything is gonna be Alright (Rasta positive vibrations) 👍🏼

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Last Thursday a doctor painlessly pulled 2 wires out of one foot. I would rather describe them as nails, but with a hook instead of a head. About 11-12 cm long and thick as nails.

    Since then, this one foot has been extremely sensitive to touch and temperature fluctuations.

    Now I have to lie in bed more instead of sitting in a wheelchair.

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 630 Advisor

    Hört sich an, als hättest du dir den Fuß gebrochen. Vertrauen Sie mir, Paule, im Bett zu liegen ist kein Scherz. Ich hatte mir vor einiger Zeit einen Rückenriss zugezogen und war drei Wochen lang bettlägerig. Nachdem der Knochen geheilt war, konnte ich Bettübungen machen, die die Muskeln stärkten, die Ihre Wirbelsäule stützen. Welche Übungen Sie auch machen können, desto weniger fallen Sie auseinander. Sie könnten Ihren Arzt um eine Reihe von Bettübungen bitten, die Sie durchführen können, bis es Ihrem Fuß besser geht. I use English to German translator, hope it helps.

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    Al, there are multiple broken feet, only this one has inflammation for no reason. It waters and heals very slowly.

    The spine has already healed well, as has the left foot.

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 630 Advisor

    Could be this foot took more of a beating. I can send email to my doctor here but maybe call and let them know. Nothing worse than not doing anything about something and regret it later. It never hurts to ask is my motto.

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