Tip: Multitracking Maschine live via ASIO Link Pro (Windows only)



  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    I think it is a more personal choice, but once you do it, you better stick to it:)

    For certain kinds of work (audio post-production) some DAWs are better suited than others.

    As an example - Ableton, the best choice for producing music imho, but not really suited for post production.

    Finally price and OS force you make another choice.... I still remember times when Logic was running on the Windows:)

    Summing it up - choosing the DAW for your work is a crucial decision, and swapping DAWs once you started will complicate your work-flow.

  • Murat Kayi
    Murat Kayi Member Posts: 433 Pro

    I will say that about Reaper though: its configurable to meet your needs to a very high level and down to intricate detail. Compare the imperial theme to the default one for example or the SWS extension. Don't know if other DAWs allow for that, too

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro
    edited February 2023

    Definitely trying this setup as it also allows writing the audio streams to FLACs in real time and saving me from losing spontaneous jams where I wasn't recording. (At least until we get retrospective MIDI recording from Maschine - hint-hint.😉)

    Until now I settled for recording my live sessions with a line out to a Zoom H2n from my M+ but I often forget to start recording.

  • bracecrop
    bracecrop Member Posts: 1 Member

    I have found it primarily for sampling on the Maschine as I do sample a lot of noises, dialogues and some 'music' of the movies, as I am cinema-lover.

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    yes recording just master bus (stereo out) is not a big deal, but what if you want to edit that recording later on?

    Multitracking when performing is the way to go, as many times you just want few bars of one instrument 'out of it':)

    not to mention ability to process mix separate instruments on channels, so for people like US:)

    performing live sets, and recording video/audio, mutlitracking option is a blessing...

    I recorded few sets without ability to multitrack and was angry, when one of those sets was very cool, but 'died' on me without multitracking (levels were setup wrong) and the performance and recordings is not what it was..

    this free app solves all issues...

    Being perfectly honest, I can record my instruments on INputs (without processing) and Outputs of Maschine (postprocessing) if I want to:)

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    Funny you mentioned that, as that was the primary task I have found it for long time ago:)

    ...and I am a movie buff too...so super fast sampling/recording phrases is very important for me.

    with Asio you can patch youtube outs into DAW ASIO ins, video player/VLC very much the same - so you watch film, and just press record to sample.

    If I remember well, I had patched outs off ASIO Link Pro into SPDiF input of my MPC3000 - so it was below 10 sec to launch MPC, wait for Valixxi OS to load and SAMPLE:)

    after that - back into SOundforge to edit fade in/out, loop... that worked like a charm

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    If your performance and recording are perfect and flawless, recording master out is fine, but....

    being able to have it multitracked is a game changer - you can properly mix it/edit and finally master.

    Check my videos if you have time - recorded with super basic and cheap equipment, and sounding quite well (at least technically:)


  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro
    edited February 2023

    @filip pietrzykowski, maybe you can suggest a solution to a problem I'm having. Right now I'm mainly trying to just record the master bus out but every few seconds the audio briefly cuts out to my speakers and then cuts back in, almost as if it's having to pause while buffering or something. Any suggestions?

    Edit: after watching the following video again I realized that I wasn't running the patch files in the right directories. Make sure you run both the 32-bit and 64-bit patchers from the right directories regardless of what your system is.

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    I noticed on my laptop, Asio Link Pro dislikes when 2 GPU are running and I have those 1-2 sec breaks/disconnections...

    Once I switched off second GPU and run my system on 1 (but LCD monitor+laptop) and it was perfect.

    Just released a session from yesterday - not a single issue throughout the whole day.

    It's something I observed on Lenovo Legion, if you run both GPU the system is unstable, like above.

    All you need to do is disable Intel GPU in device manager and just keep it running on nVidia.

  • Triggi
    Triggi Member Posts: 49 Helper

    "At least until we get retrospective MIDI recording from Maschine - hint-hint.😉"

    I'm waiting for since mk1😭

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    @filip pietrzykowski So glad you turned us all on to this! 😁

    Now that I got it recording to a FLAC all the time in the background (with no negative impact so far), I'm intrigued to try the multitrack recording. (I only just realized FLAC supports up to eight tracks in the same file.)

    Not sure if that's more tricky but I'll report back soon...

  • darecordbreakaz
    darecordbreakaz Member Posts: 10 Member

    Asio Link Pro

    Seems the talented developer of this software has passed away.

  • Peter Harris
    Peter Harris Member Posts: 471 Pro

    Yes but his family gave the distribution rights to the person who now manages and updates the project. Pretty cool actually and a nice way to remember him every time we use their great software.

  • cupateech
    cupateech Member Posts: 10 Member

    Any suggestions on how to configure the Komplete Kontrol A61 in a manner similar to the Maschine? I have the A61, Maschine MK3, and a Traktor Z2 mixer I use for deejaying, and would love to route them each into my Tascam Model 12. Thanks in advance!

  • filip pietrzykowski
    filip pietrzykowski Member Posts: 45 Helper

    You need to explain it in more details.

    I actually managed to find better and simpler solution for this.

    Started new thread already:), check it out, you would need Blue Cat's Audio COnnector plugin.

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