3.7.1 Not saving playlist content



  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    Thanks for the flattering feedback! I have been out unexpectedly and just came back on board, that's why I am coming back to you just now.

    I am not specifically aware of such concrete plans to enrich the possibilities of the Pattern Player, but such a functionality makes total sense of course. I'd expect our product design to have that on their roadmap.

  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    Hi @rygar,

    I just saw that the ticket I had created for you in February hasn't been answered anymore at a certain point. That's kind of unfortunate I must say.

    Could you please do the following:

    1. Launch 3.8.0 from your Backup folder (instructions H E R E )
    2. Import the Collection.nml file from 3.5.3 into 3.8.0 (instructions H E R E )
    3. Close Traktor, then reopen it.

    What's the result? Are you still facing the behavior?

  • Markovicz
    Markovicz Customer Care Posts: 381 mod

    Hola @Juan Carlos Gómez,

    para empezar, ten en cuenta que nuestra Comunidad es sólo inglesa. Por lo tanto, vamos a proceder de esa manera. Si te facilita las cosas, utiliza un traductor como Deepl.com o Google Translate. 

    You are reporting that your playlists are still damaged after downgrading. Can you please decribe the damage in a more specific fashion please? THX!

    In regards to your question: Traktor playlists are integrated in the collection file located in your root directory. They do not exist as single files (until you manually export specific playlists). 

  • rygar
    rygar Member Posts: 9 Member

    Hi Mark,

    Sorry for not getting back. I have tried your suggestions and when I re-launch Traktor the playlists are still empty. I tried today on Traktor 3.9 and it's still the same.

    All the tracks are in my collection loose but not in the individual folders. I have the folder structure duplicated in Apple Music App and I've tried moving the tracks to their respective Traktor folders and it wont's save after restarting. I've tried importing some from the loose collection into the playlist folders but it won't save after restarting. I can play out of the Apple Music App portion of the finder but it would be nice to have Traktor running the way it should.

    Could this be because Apple changed from iTunes to Apple Music (which is crazy confusing)? I don't know?!

    Thanks, any insight would be great.

  • Sacco Naz
    Sacco Naz Member Posts: 152 Advisor

    I keep opening Traktor and randomly see empty playlists and remix sets...

    Native Instruments has stopped responding to my trouble tickets

  • latroe
    latroe Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hey I'm using 3.9.0 90 and have the same problem windows 11 business

    error occured right away. and I can play the imported tracks and all the info abput the tracks is being saved, even the playlist itself, just not the content of the playlist. So if I add a track and clos traktor and re-open all the playlists are empty.

    thanks for the help!

  • Yiannis Momos
    Yiannis Momos Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    After update 3.9.0 90, the playlist was empty! (windows 10).

    1) i made another demo playlist.

    2) i close traktor and re-open it, but all playlists are empty again.

    What happen?? Playlist are the most precious thing! What's going on??

  • Nano Ohm
    Nano Ohm Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Unbelievable that this is still a thing... What's happening ? This is just a basic and essential feature.

  • rygar
    rygar Member Posts: 9 Member

    Has there been any updates on this? I've been having the same issue. I can't figure it out and I'm sick of trying. I've tried everything that NI admins have suggested. Nothing. It's really aggravating.

  • paulsoll
    paulsoll Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

    Hi, I am facing this issue (mentioned before I assume) with the latest version of Traktor: 3.10.1 16 - Playlists uploaded are not saved when I exit Traktor. As well, the cue point/loops etc. Opening Traktor again, all of them are missing. Any support from you side is much appreciated. Thank you.

  • dedit
    dedit Member Posts: 12 Member

    I've been going back and forth with the tech support. But it looks like this issue goes back even before the 3.10 update. It's strange because I can restore from a back up and the playlists are there and the tracks are there. But if I save the collection and the exit and reboot they are gone. I'm at my wits end with this one and the support is a back and forth. I am going to try and go back an os to big sur. That way I can at least get my old controller working and hopefully this playlist issue resolves itself. I'll get you posted.

  • ingrid2
    ingrid2 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    I've just updated from TraktorPo 3.5.2 to 3.11.0 and all my playlists are now empty. I've been reading a lot of the discussions and then tried to create a new playlist. It was also empty after I restarted Traktor. Help please!

  • ingrid2
    ingrid2 Member Posts: 4 Newcomer

    Thanks! I tried that but the file was greyed out so I couldn't open it. I'm almost convinced now that my mac OS (Big Sur) isn't compatible with 3.11. and I will need to reinstall 3.5.2 from a backup file. Hope that works.

    The reason I tried to update Traktor is because I've got a new laptop with OS Sonoma installed and would like to migrate all files from my old laptop. Apparently I need to upgrade my old laptop to OS Monterrey first (that's as far as the upgrades go on it) and then I can try the migration process. I'm terrified of losing all my playlists on Traktor though.

  • lord-carlos
    lord-carlos Member Posts: 3,853 Expert

    I don't know much about mac, why is it grayed out? Do you use some kind of cloud service like iCloud and maybe the file is uploaded there and removed from the disk?

    You can midgrade the files without updating traktor. Just copy the files over to the new Sonoma laptop.

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