When Stem Creator will be upgrade? Bitrate of the stem file is 252kpbs max since 7years

Wades Member Posts: 25 Member


I hope you are fine?

I wanted to know when would you update/upgrade the stem creator software cause it's the only one to make our own stem file, the fact is the quality of the master sound is so bad (as it's written in the title 252kpbs max) it makes it unusuable!

I alreayd contact someone from NI support and he told me to go on the website of Stem Creator..

Could you please give me a answer, it has been 7years and we are many who want this upgrade!

Thanks in advance!

Bets regards


  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper

    Where I can find this stem creator ? Thanks!

  • Wades
    Wades Member Posts: 25 Member
  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    I do not use it and so do not have personal experience.... But manual states, that if one imports files in ALAC format it will be stored as ALAC, if wav or AIFF is imported, AAC goes out.

    ALAC is looseless, so should suite your needs. Just try, convert your STEMs to ALAC and make STEM file....

    Manual, page 29, states:

    "Supported Files Formats There are only three acceptable audio file types for Stem Creator:

    ▪ WAV

    ▪ AIFF

    ▪ ALAC

    If you import WAV or AIFF files into Stem Creator, Stem Creator will create an AAC-quality Stem File upon export. If you import ALAC files into Stem Creator, Stem Creator will create and ALAC-quality Stem File upon export."

  • Wades
    Wades Member Posts: 25 Member

    Hi @Kubrak thank you for your answer, I've read the manual already and what a surprise for em to discover those informations.

    I did load my 4 separated tracks in .wav format but the final result (.stem.mp4) is bad audio quality

    I also tried to convert thoses .wav files to .alac, and import it into stem creator, it works I have a final file .stem.mp4 file BUT i'm on PC and Traktor doesn't want to analyze it, it's a compatibility problem with alac format (I mean encoding) with PC which is different to MAC so on one side I can do it as NI recommend but I will have a bad audio quality file and on another side I have a 'normal' audio quality file (I guess but I could not play it in Traktor) but it's not analyzable by Traktor on PC.

    So for PC user like me it's not possible to use Stem creator until NI decides to make update, I've seen on the roadmap they put Stems in the research process but I'm quite sure it's about making stem separation from a master file (a complete track) in live so it's not relating with this problem :/

    I also tried Nuo-Stems, a software devlopped by dj Nuo so it gives you a good .stem.mp4 audio quality but it doesn't allow you to import your own separated track, just the master track and it separates it with an AI (as many website and application does nowadays).

    Does anyone know a software which does exactly the same process as Stem creator (importing your own separated track from your project) but gives you the possibility to have a good audio quality?

    Because it was what was promised when Traktor S5 and S8 have been released in 2015 with the stem process...

    And yes we had great demo at this period, some of us dreamt about it when we saw it but in fact it doesn't work and I'm still wondering how artists who provided their track in stem format for the demo did their own with good audio quality.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,093 Expert

    And what about to install ALAC codec to Win? I do not know how, but I guess it is possible.... What Win do you have?

    The problem is not in STEM Creator, you just need ALAC codec installed on your PC...

  • Wades
    Wades Member Posts: 25 Member

    Hi @Kubrak, sorry for the late reply, I already tried and it didn't work, I installed ffmpeg, typing in the windows executer the command line to create my .stem.mp4 file,but it's not possible to play in Traktor after..

    I also tried with Audacity, same trouble. It has been a half year now and we still don't have any reply from the NI team about this topic.

    As you've seen I posted on different topic about this problem but no answers..

    Thanks for yours btw, if you have any others suggestions I would like to try them!

  • axeldelafosse
    axeldelafosse Member Posts: 28 Helper

    Hello @Wades !

    I wrote a CLI to do this: https://github.com/axeldelafosse/stemgen. You can generate stems from any track or bring your own stems. It's working on Windows and it is creating ALAC stems from any lossless format (WAV, AIFF or FLAC). You can also create AAC stems using a better encoder than the one included in Stem Creator (since ALAC stems are not working on Traktor with Windows yet).

    Let me know if it's working for you!

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