Diverse general mapping for the tractor f1

Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

In the new trend, the keypad and auxiliary tools began to include versatile features. Although the f1 device is one of the important tools on this road, it does not support this diversity or can be used for a single purpose with individual mapping. The f1 device must contain all variations in a single mapping and must be able to navigate between modes in it. The user can use it with the savings he wants with the number of devices and this is very easy.

sample mods; hot cue, pitch play, roll, saved loop, sampler, scratch bank, stems, slicer

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  • Stevan
    Stevan Traktor Mapping Mod Posts: 2,043 mod

    Most of those features cpuld be custom mapped how ever you need it inside the Controller Manager and this is why Traktor rocks. What would be more useful is the option bo make any button a MIDI Mode button to be able to quickly switch to my custom modes (bypassing the SHIFT + BROWSE combo)

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    Can we switch between 3-4 modes with the shift+browse key? I thought it would only travel in 2 maps.

  • Kayya
    Kayya Member Posts: 198 Advisor

    I'm thinking again today. Wouldn't it be better to have modes at hand instead of starting one-button effect automation? When I think about the modes I gave as an example, wouldn't it be better if it was open and ready for use in front of that mode? I'm thinking right now, maybe there is another fast effect shortcut mode. When you switch to this mod page, it can trigger it as you say they saved. Thus, the F1 device has a mapping that includes all modes.

    Believe me, we're not talking about anything difficult. For simpler thinkers, I can give an example of the performance pads of all controllers on the market.

  • Iceman the Dj
    Iceman the Dj Member Posts: 32 Helper

    The beauty of Traktor is that you can do almost anything you want!

    Here in this short video you can see I made a modifier so I can have 8 pages of mappings in midi mode and that also will reflect on display so you know where you are! All you have to do after this is to tell the modifier state when you make a mapping to a button, in other words, to tel him in wich page to be. 

    Also you can to this with individual buttons so you can jump straight to the page you want. Or with 2 buttons for up and down so you don't need to go to last page from 2 to get back to 1. I don't need 8 pages, one is enough for me, but I made this in 2 min to show you that you can! I don't wanna remember what I have on every page... When mixing I find that I forgit to look at what mode/page I am and insted of pressing a cue poind, I start an effect or wahatever. So I rather have more controllers for more functions but I just wanna show to you that there are endless possibilities, but you have to learn and to know what you want! And the problems of more and more people today are that they don't wanna learn, wanna everything easy, and they don't know what they want... and this is sad! 


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