Why are my racks not loading for other folks?

colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru
edited October 2024 in Reaktor

Built a rack as a generative demonstration. Works fine for me. No good for other folk when I upload it. This has never been a problem before!

My install seems fine, everything in the default folders etc.

So I made a simpler rack to post as a test, and a simplest one - all use Base and Primes. Two versions of each, one saved to the default location, one saved explicitly to a different drive.

Can folks please try to load these and post the results. Thanks :)

Best Answers

  • arachnaut
    arachnaut Member Posts: 81 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    Copy from '..\NI Content\Blocks Base\Blocks\Util'

    'UTL-Util Macro Knobs.ism'

    and rename to

    'UTL-Util Knobs.ism'

    saving in that location.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Thanks - that was the culprit. I had some weird install of the Blocks library. I 'repaired' it with Native access, but then couldn't load some of the Racks myself - I figured it was one of the Blocks being different in some way, but hadn't worked out which one, so thanks again Jim :)

    I would like to suggest that folk maybe don't do this to their install, because it's non-standard, and it would be wise just to keep things as they should be to avoid breaking other stuff...


  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Do you know what other folks are experiencing? What type of errors?

    I tried to load them but I get an error about Block Base, checking my installs now.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Yes it's the can't find Blocks Base error.

    I have blocks Base in the default location. All checks out in Native access too.

    Are none of them working?

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    My Blocks base install is version 1.1.0. install path is 1.5 though. Is that what you have?

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    I have a beta of Native Access 2 so I can't share screenshot but weirdly enough I seem to only have an older version of Blocks Base. I'll check this out.

    @Nico_NI @Jeremy_NI Can you try the ensemble as well?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,833 mod

    @Matt_NI @colB I can only open the super simple tests A & B. Others I get an error message, and my Blocks Base is an older version and I don't see any available updates...

  • Nico_NI
    Nico_NI Administrator Posts: 1,123 admin

    Hey @colB, I tried with the same version - same Blocks Base error.

    Kind of weird considering the file directory looks right. Maybe @Paule's knowledge can help here 🙏

  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert
    edited February 2022

    Here are all at the right place but I got this message

    Loading Bass Babble from Blocks Base folder all is fine.

    HexEdit copies

    from mac Blocks Base

    from Brett's Bloodlines

    and from Colin's test line

    C:\Users\Public\Documents\Blocks Base

    @Nico_NI wrote

    Maybe @Paule's knowledge can help here

    Nico you can't count on me. My OS is too old for actual NI software.

  • arachnaut
    arachnaut Member Posts: 81 Advisor
    Answer ✓

    Copy from '..\NI Content\Blocks Base\Blocks\Util'

    'UTL-Util Macro Knobs.ism'

    and rename to

    'UTL-Util Knobs.ism'

    saving in that location.

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru
    Answer ✓

    Thanks - that was the culprit. I had some weird install of the Blocks library. I 'repaired' it with Native access, but then couldn't load some of the Racks myself - I figured it was one of the Blocks being different in some way, but hadn't worked out which one, so thanks again Jim :)

    I would like to suggest that folk maybe don't do this to their install, because it's non-standard, and it would be wise just to keep things as they should be to avoid breaking other stuff...

  • arachnaut
    arachnaut Member Posts: 81 Advisor

    When things like this happen to me I use Procmon from SysInternalsSuite:

    Using it here I immediately saw a load error on the ISM. I copied another macro by a similar name expecting it to just load a bit better. I don't know if the ISMs are the same...

  • bolabo
    bolabo Member Posts: 97 Advisor
    edited February 2022

    It looks like these racks used a version of the "UTL-Util Macro Knobs.ism" that had been renamed "UTL-Util Knobs.ism", (maybe from an earlier version of Blocks Base?).

    If encoded blocks aren't found when loading a rack then Reaktor throws up a "Blocks Not Found" error. If the missing block is an unencoded 'User Block' then Reaktor will allow you to search for the missing block, but unfortunately it seems that this isn't possible with encoded blocks.

    I duplicated my "UTL-Util Macro Knobs.ism" block and renamed it "UTL-Util Knobs.ism" and I was able to open the Racks (these are great generative patches!), I swapped the macro knobs block out for the correctly named one and resaved them so hopefully these should load fine with the latest Blocks Base installed -->

  • colB
    colB Member Posts: 1,035 Guru

    Thanks David, Jim beat you to it, but I selected his answer as 'best answer' so it got moved to the top of the thread - going to take a while to get used to this new forum. lol

    I'm pretty sure this came up a looong time ago. turns out I had two versions of that Block, and when I chose it from the Reaktor Browser, it was using the incompatible one. When I 'repaired' my install, it got rid of the imposter, but then I couldn't load the racks either. Fortunately you guys located the issue, and it was an easy fix in the end.

    No other Racks are effected because Util Knobs doesn't get a lot of use here! It will be getting more though in the future. It's perfect for stereo stuff - can proxy it to control e.g. cuttoff on two (L & R) separate filters with just one knob to keep both sides together...

  • arachnaut
    arachnaut Member Posts: 81 Advisor

    By coincidence, I noticed a rather nice free toolkit by browsing, that includes Sysinternals Procmon along with an enormous variety of debugging tools:

    I downloaded it and tried it out, liked it, made the donation, and plopped this blurb here. Sorry if it is a bit off-topic.

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