Maschine Jam - AUX/SEND IN MIDI Mode for Logic

velanche Member Posts: 53 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine


Is it possible to create a page for AUX/SENDS for Logic Pro in Maschine Jam? I have a template using the MCU configuration, but not sure how to go about the aux/sends.

I'd appreciate some guidance; thanks!


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,228 mod


    sure that should work, what template you are using, do you have mapped MCU Vpots already or just the volume faders? If i know that i can tell you maybe the steps to get there if I'm back at my computer, there i have some specs saved about MCU integration for some daws. For example if your template just has the volume faders mapped, (midi ch 1-8 pb) you will need the flip function, that makes the faders control what the Vpots normally do and vice versa, then a second button for the send page - then you can control the sends and stepping/selecting through channels will let you select the channel of which you control the sends.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    Thanks for getting at me, Uwe!

    I have a Logic template that uses Mackie Control, and I alter it a little bit. Buttons have Solo, Mute, Select and Record for each fader, which I'm using all 8 of them. In addition, I have Touch Strip Pages to change the use of those faders so, for instance, first page uses the 8 faders for the mixer levels, and Flip enables panning for each. I have a second page for Smart Controls, third page for General MIDI, and two other pages to control parameters of a specific plugin on each.

    I have not used V-Pots, though I do see that they are part of the MCU parameters available for mapping. Other than transport controls, navigation, zooming, loop and click functions, and automation, that's pretty much the Logic template that I have.

    Thanks for the help. If you need more specifics, do let me know.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,228 mod
    edited December 2022

    No problem with the vpots, as I said, with flip you make the faders control what the vpots do. F2 is aux send mode button and F#2 should bring you back to eq mode, G#2 should be eq. I will just send you the table with the stuff i found out so far. The mackie universal stuff should work for you.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    Thanks for the info and the reference file! I will definitely need a little time to figure out how I want to do this, then add and test the desired settings before expanding on it. I'm pretty happy with what I got so far, and testing both my Launchpad Pro for music input and Maschine Jam for controlling most other actions, as well as it seems to work so far, hopefully adding the aux/sends will be a successful process in the end.

    Much appreciated, sir.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,228 mod

    i think you´ll find that out for sure, i also found this stuff out by playing around and reading manuals. One thing i would miss is the mcu display (maschine can do that), there was a virtual one called huskervu now i can only find mcu emulator ( Downloads – Sender Spike ( ) you need a virtual midi cable to set the display up on the input (daw - mcu emulator - maschine jam) If you get it to work it will then make sense to you and you will understand mcu more - you will love it

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    I will probably explore this over the coming weeks rather than immediately, but something that I'm interested to explore if it means possibly enhancing my current setup. Thanks for the page that got me to the MCU Emulator. It's Windows only, and I'm on MacOS, but maybe something to try out once I get Parallels installed for specific use cases that require Windows, which may be in the coming year.

    I appreciate the info, pointing to possibilities.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod

    @velanche : Thanks for the page that got me to the MCU Emulator. It's Windows only, and I'm on MacOS, but maybe something to try out once I get Parallels installed for specific use cases that require Windows

    No need to run a VM, there's apps for that for mac, here:

    You just need to set up a Virtual MIDI Driver and make sure your DAW sends MIDI thru it to the app, and also send it to your Maschine HW at the same time.

  • velanche
    velanche Member Posts: 53 Member

    So last week, I made an initial attempt, and I failed.

    To let you know what I attempted, in the Conroller Editor I created a Touchstrip Page within the Logic template that is separate from the Channel faders (Volume/Pan). I created 8 v-pot buttons for MCU buttons, and when I tried them, I did not see any responses. Admittedly, I have trouble wrapping my head around exactly what the v-pots are supposed to do with send/aux. If you can enlighten me, perhaps I can see what I can do to attempt to make some progress.

    Thank you!

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,228 mod
    edited December 2022

    Have you also made a button sending note F2? Cause there are different modes for the v pots and some notes you send switch them between pan, eq, send Instrument,.... mode. And F#2 should bring the v pots back to pan mode. You also can just use flip, like you do with pan. But that's a matter of taste, the important thing is the mode buttons.

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