Location of data file specifying instrument positions in left Kontakt panel?

DeltaJockey Member Posts: 18 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

I was re arranging the instrument order in Kontakt 7, and was wanting to know where the info on this resides, as I would like to make my backup copy of Kontakt the same order by copying the file without having to manually re arrange them all again.

I'm using it on Mac OS.

Best Answer

  • DeltaJockey
    DeltaJockey Member Posts: 18 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for your reply Jeremy! I didn't think anyone was ever going to give me an answer on this.

    I was going to go looking in earnest when i had some time, so you have saved me the trouble.

    I do have a slightly different mix of libraries on each computer, so yes it may be best leave the files alone and do it all manually anyway

    thanks again for your reply.


  • Paule
    Paule Member Posts: 1,314 Expert

    In Native Access you can find the location where you've install your instruments in Kontakt.

  • DeltaJockey
    DeltaJockey Member Posts: 18 Member

    Thanks Paul,

    but I'm not asking the common question of moving libraries, I know how where they reside.

    I'm talking about the order of the Kontakt instruments and their "splash" screens that sit in the left side panel in Kontakt when that side panel is on. This is not an issue when using the new thumbnail browser in Kontakt 7, but when having the left side panel enabled.

    I have dragged the splash screens into the order I want, but it must be saved somewhere in a Kontakt config? file which I want to just copy to the other computer, so that the order is the same.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,413 mod

    Hey @DeltaJockey The position information of the libraries in Kontakt is actually stored on the libraries plists. You could theoretically copy all the libraries plists but they also contain path to the content folder of the library, so that might be risky. In short, you would do faster (and safer) by making the re-ordering on the second computer.

  • DeltaJockey
    DeltaJockey Member Posts: 18 Member
    Answer ✓

    Thanks for your reply Jeremy! I didn't think anyone was ever going to give me an answer on this.

    I was going to go looking in earnest when i had some time, so you have saved me the trouble.

    I do have a slightly different mix of libraries on each computer, so yes it may be best leave the files alone and do it all manually anyway

    thanks again for your reply.

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