S88 not showing up synths in Ableton

J_roger Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol

When using Ableton Live (windows 10, AMD 5950x) I open a new Komplete Control app on each track and open up different synths eg Massive on one and FM8 on another but switching through doesn't bring up any info on the s88 screens.

I can switch between tracks using the mixer button on the s88 but there's no info on the actual keyboard for changing parameters of the synths.

I also have Maschine and that is very hit and miss in how it displays info on the screen of the S88 too and if you have more than one instance then it's just a mess.

When I first bought it it wasn't great but it was new so I thought problems would be ironed out by now. Just seems a mess and I hope I'm doing something wrong. Please help if anyone has any idea what is going on.

Ideally I'd switch track and just have all the info displaying nicely for me, which is the whole point of this keyboard.



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