Traktor Pro 3 and HP Envy 360

Turny Member Posts: 9 Member

I posted a while back about a loud buzzing and Traktor crashing on my new HP Envy 360, after many emails to NI support, it appears the problem may be soundcards that are installed on the laptop causing excessive latency. This may well turn out to be the cause of the problem but I won't know until running it - probably in public - where it might fail whilst in use.

Firstly, I never had this problem with Traktor 2 on a much older laptop so it seems ludicrous for NI to release a program that they know already may fail at any time.

Secondly, does anyone have a suggestion for a laptop on which Traktor Pro 3 DOES work without issue?

Finally, thanks for the kind help that was given by member to my previous posts.


  • zephry
    zephry Member Posts: 673 Guru
    edited November 2022

    Here are the main PC dpc latency problems I have had over the last 13 years with Traktor.

    1. Battery, fix is to remove it or disable the battery in the Device Manager. The removal or disconnection inside the laptop is best when using an external monitor. Because some monitors also check battery level and won't work if you disable in Device Manager.

    2. Auto updates, these are sometimes hard to permanently disable. I suggest finding all before each major gig or mix recording and pause them or exit programs. If certain drivers update you can get a crash or at the very least some stuttering or display issues. Some applications constantly check for updates and drivers and cause dpc latency spikes.

    3. Wrong drivers, test and figure out what drivers work for your specific controllers and laptop. Bluetooth is probably the worst. For me Wasapi drivers never work or seem to suddenly fail sometimes. What has always worked for me and the Traktor controllers is Asio drivers. Sometimes you need to install them. For me Asio drivers settings at 256 or 512 and USB buffer at 3ms.

    4. Support application?

    With my Dell G7 now 5 years old I had horrible dpc latency and had to disable so many things. I found out the Support application was the problem. But only that laptop had that issue.

    Keep in mind Native Instruments can't test every driver or configuration every laptop comes in. The Dell issue took 4years and even had huge problems with audio in general. Even people just listening to music on those laptops had issues. I think I spent close to 1700usd on that laptop.

    I would suggest getting a well built and more expensive laptop 2021 or 2022 have had way less issues.

    I currently use an Asus Rog zephyrus g14. Almost no issues. Besides a ****** windows-11 update that is causing issue with Beatport streaming. The update is not working well for gamers and things besides audio. So I blame that one on Windows.

    Oh and after every update or driver updates and new installations always completely restart your laptop. The most common crashes I have had are after a Traktor installation and I don't restart the laptop.

    Good luck, hope this helps.

  • Turny
    Turny Member Posts: 9 Member

    Thanks for taking the time to reply I really appreciate it. It seems crazy that NI haven't made the program 'future proof' and that you risk the programme failing at any given time due to 'updates' - that said, windows 11 seems to be the source of many problems and i'm yet to hear anyone say good things about it, my local computer tech has recommended installing windows 10 pro, as it has far less issues, do you think this might help?

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