Whats the Keyboard shortcut to fill / load all remix deck sample cells simultaneously?

slinksta007 Member Posts: 25 Helper

hey guys, you got any idea how to load/fill all sample slots in remix deck at one time instead of loading them individually to create a remix set? I saw it somewhere there is a keyboard shortcut to do this. Do any of you know it? I've forgotten it and can't find it anywhere...

Joey :)


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,221 mod


    you just click on the big A,B,C or D then a drop down menue appears and the last entry is "save remix set"

  • slinksta007
    slinksta007 Member Posts: 25 Helper

    Hey UWE303,

    no I don’t mean saving all the samples into a remix set.

    I mean if I drag say 64 or more samples into a remix set to make it a remix set (to save later once I’ve tweaked the samples how I like), but I know there is a keyboard shortcut to press so that all of those 64 sample sell slots are loaded at the same time in sequential order. Meaning ALL cells loaded with samples at same time after dragging and dropping.

    May current I can only get one column of cells to fill all the way to the end of the column (-“” rows of that column).

    but I want to fill all cells of all rows of all columns in one go, then save remix set.

    for example drag 64 loops and/or one shots of a kick into all 64 cell slots at same time then save remix set as kicks.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,221 mod

    Ahh ok i understand now, i just did not read you first post carefully enough. There seems no way to do that, i can only drag 16 samples into one collum. Would be nice to have some kind of an editor where i see all cells at once and can drag and drop and edit/cut the samples.

  • slinksta007
    slinksta007 Member Posts: 25 Helper

    There used to be a way, but I can’t remember and can’t find the documentation…where it listed and explained how to do all 64 with drag and drop and modifier key…

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