KK Midi-Editor : Handling Midi-Channels within templates

Dirk Martin
Dirk Martin Member Posts: 3 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete Kontrol


In the KK - Midi-Editor Midichannels of the Areas "Knobs", "buttons" and "Keys" can be stored in templates, - "Pedals", "Touchstrip" and both the Wheels can not.

Is there a Reason for this or could you concider this to be a Topic for an Update ?

That change would help a lot. Thanks in advance. Dirk

Best Answer

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey Dirk, yes, the MIDI channels of the pedal, touchstrips and wheels are not stored in the templates and stay how they were set before, regardless of the template loaded. It's a common feature request but unfortunately it is not likely to be implemented in the near future.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod
    Answer ✓

    Hey Dirk, yes, the MIDI channels of the pedal, touchstrips and wheels are not stored in the templates and stay how they were set before, regardless of the template loaded. It's a common feature request but unfortunately it is not likely to be implemented in the near future.

  • Dirk Martin
    Dirk Martin Member Posts: 3 Member

    Hi Jeremy,

    Thanks for the fast reply.

    There is something I do not get: If there is a "common feature request", why on earth don't you implement it?

    I can tell you, it's a pain sitting in front of a beautyfully designed KK S61 mk2 hardware,

    knowing that only limitations within the software prevent it from running up

    to its full potential with any DAW (not only with MASCHIENE).

    So, what do you need to get going ? Regards, Dirk

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,462 mod

    Hey Dirk, well, maybe the word "common" was not the right one. Not so many users out there actually use the Midi functionalities to that extent, this is why this hasn't been prioritized. There are other priorities at the moment.

  • beatmincer
    beatmincer Member Posts: 1 Member

    YES Dirk! That AND the ability to send/receive program change to step up and down the program list in midi mode!

    As a long-time S61 (both mki and ii), I would definitely have to agree with Dirk. This lack of basic function cripples the use to those of us who use MIDI mode extensively.

    Priorities or not, the structure is already there in SW. A lighter update to fix tiny shortcomings with huge usability benefits, we're talking max a man-day worth of implementation time, incl test and verification.

    C'mon guys, are you really that short-staffed?

  • Dirk Martin
    Dirk Martin Member Posts: 3 Member

    Well, so we are already two people,…but I guess, only money talks.

    So, how much money are we talking about for us users to raise

    in order to wake NI‘s intererest in making the „Komplete Kontrol Software“ really „komplete“ regarding the Midi-Funktions ?

    Please, I am serious !

    Why don‘t you officially propose some fundraising procedure to all those users, like me,

    to find out, what is needed and see, if there is a way to give the KK Software a decent update.

    It is no shame to admitt, that you have to make money out of this

    and I suppose no user has a problem there.

    There must be a way. Please, NI, think about it.

    For this is not at all a satifactory situation.

    Best Regards, DIrk Martin

  • LarsB
    LarsB Member Posts: 1 Member

    Well, now we are already three people...

    This starting to be a common request ;-)

    Best regards, Lars Blomstrand

This discussion has been closed.
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