Keyswitch changing via Foot Pedal?

Meteora Member Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hi there,

i am looking for a solution about the problem, that I can’t find a way to change key switches from one to the next key (from first to last key and than repeat) with the foot pedal, while playing an instrument like dominus choir with two hands an want to change the syllables while playing without put a hand away to change the next syllables. Also I want to layer the choir with strings and other sounds in unify but I can’t find a way to program the foot pedal inside unify or program a virtual macro knob to do so.

Has anyone a idea to change the key switches when playing an instrument in real time, not afterwards. I am using Ableton live Standard, I am not having max Live. I don’t want to edit the key switch change after recording, this can be easily solved.

thanks for helpful replays from you all.



Best Answer

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro
    Answer ✓

    You can do it with a simple script.

    Set up an array with an element for each keyswitch. Assign the keyswitch note numbers to the array. Have a variable which keeps track of where you are in the keyswitch list.

    Use a controller callback and if it's cc#64 (sustain pedal) with value 127 get it to play the keynote, with the note number from the element of the array pointed to by your variable. Increment the variable and zero it if it's gone off the end of the list.

    You could bone up on KSP (fiddly but not rocket science) or ask for help in the Scripting Workshop. EvilDragon could knock it up in 3 minutes if you fed him chocolate.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,568 mod

    Hey @Meteora Unfortunately keyswitches usually respond to MIDI notes, a sustain or expression pedals ususally only send MIDI CC information, not notes. I'm not sure this library was intended to be played live, the best might be to ask the manufacturer of that library.

  • Meteora
    Meteora Member Posts: 12 Member

    Hi Jeremy, many thanks for your helpful reply. So this is why I found nothing in the www. Maybe I find a other way.



  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 429 Pro
    Answer ✓

    You can do it with a simple script.

    Set up an array with an element for each keyswitch. Assign the keyswitch note numbers to the array. Have a variable which keeps track of where you are in the keyswitch list.

    Use a controller callback and if it's cc#64 (sustain pedal) with value 127 get it to play the keynote, with the note number from the element of the array pointed to by your variable. Increment the variable and zero it if it's gone off the end of the list.

    You could bone up on KSP (fiddly but not rocket science) or ask for help in the Scripting Workshop. EvilDragon could knock it up in 3 minutes if you fed him chocolate.

  • Meteora
    Meteora Member Posts: 12 Member
    edited November 2022

    Thanks for your reply and this interesting advice. I try that next. Otherwise I get in contact with EvilDragon. As far as I can see in other post it seems that he has the knowledge of everything😃

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