MASCHINE handles VERY good "on the fly" different LATENCY....

strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

What, if neither your fingerdrum, is too in-prazise, nor that MASCHINE/your compi... is too "slow"...

Whaht if, JUST ONE Click could solve BOTH probs/issues with ONE click?

For RECORD finger-drumming... or tempo/swing/feeling... melodies you need the most shortest LATENCY... for playing/arranging... most of possible tracks, groups, fx... without clicks, drops, stutter... you need the lowest latency....

MASCHINE-Prferences offers you booth and a lot of valkues between... But normaly you need the SHORTEST ones for all RECORD/playing-situatians and the BIGGEST-one

we have not 1991... anymore wehre Cubase and Windows 3-driver needs a restart for such things....

Now you can changing the latency ON THE FLY with more/less artefacts in millisecondes...

OPEN via cmd(plus commata) your MASCHINE-preference... go to AUDIO.Tab and you can via slide control ON THE FLY jump between any latency 32 and 2000... Well, this will extrem short time "artefact"... but its more/less "realtime"...

Lets say: I´m 80% in hear/arrange/edit... mode (most fx, all on.....) and 20% in play(new ides)/rellay RECORD mode... and i want to switch often between this 2 states...

Well i can do this via via cmd (plus commata), MASCHINE-preference... go to AUDIO-Tab and now i lcan latency change... what a wide way!

WHy not a simple Button besides the record knob witch SWITSCHES allways i need (and there are lot of situations every session...)

Neither your Compi is to weak, nor your fingerdrumm is to unprecise... Its often just LATENCY with your DEFALULT values... instead using ,momentary-best for booth situations by simple a switch-button!

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