How to rearrange / move the pads layout on the Maschine Mirko MK3?

McBird Member Posts: 2 Member

Hi, is there any function to rearrange the drum-kit pad layout (move / swap pads) directly on the Maschine Mirko MK3 hardware (like the "move"-function on the Maschine MK3)? If not - is there any fast way to do this in den Maschine 2 software with a preloaded drum-kit? I can't find any function to just rearrange the pad-layout of a loaded drum-kit.

Thank you and greetings from Hamburg,


Best Answers

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    Answer ✓


    you could use the duplicate (button) function within a group or copy from group to group, but there is no swap feature from the hardware. In ther softwarte you can drag and drop the sound slots/pads around, this is the fastest way if you move a lot of stuff.

  • McBird
    McBird Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Uwe, thanks for you reply!

    I could not drag-and-drop the sounds to rearrange the pads within the software.

    After getting crazy and doing some research (reading the f*ucking manuel) I now know why ...

    "Sounds cannot be moved within the Sound List when Pre-listen (speaker button) is switched on."

    ... now it works!

    Regards, Daniel


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,331 mod
    Answer ✓


    you could use the duplicate (button) function within a group or copy from group to group, but there is no swap feature from the hardware. In ther softwarte you can drag and drop the sound slots/pads around, this is the fastest way if you move a lot of stuff.

  • McBird
    McBird Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited November 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Uwe, thanks for you reply!

    I could not drag-and-drop the sounds to rearrange the pads within the software.

    After getting crazy and doing some research (reading the f*ucking manuel) I now know why ...

    "Sounds cannot be moved within the Sound List when Pre-listen (speaker button) is switched on."

    ... now it works!

    Regards, Daniel

  • Sardiniaonholiday1
    Sardiniaonholiday1 Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    its like they are deliberatly making things difficult.

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