Beatport Streaming

Joggerjo Member Posts: 2 Member

Hi, I've just upgraded to Windows 11 an the Beatport streaming link doesn't work in Pro 3. Does anyone have a fix or know if this is on the radar to be resolved?



  • @MB
    @MB Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    Try to add a reg key with current user rights.

    In windows 10 i have fixed the issue as follows:

    copy the key below to a txt file and save it.

    rename the txt file, for example to traktor.reg

    open regedit in user context (do not open regedit with adminstrator rights)

    import your reg file, for example traktor.reg

    retry to login to beatport -> preferences->streaming->beatport login

    reg key to add:

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


    "URL Protocol"=""




    @="C:\\Program Files\\Native Instruments\\Traktor Pro 3\\Traktor.exe %1%"

    Nice Regards


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