Is there any way to contact Efflam Le Bivic here...

Michael O'Hagan
Michael O'Hagan Member Posts: 107 Helper
edited October 2024 in Building With Reaktor

I tried to search him in the user directory but his name does not come up, so I don't think he has an account in the forum.

I have some questions about his folds block and I wanted to talk to him about it, I know he is an NI employee and I think he used to be on the old forum but I can't find him on the new one here.

Is there any way to get in touch with him?


  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 701 Pro
  • Michael O'Hagan
    Michael O'Hagan Member Posts: 107 Helper

    I just had a few questions about some of the functions in the fold block, it's a more advanced than usual wave folder.

  • Mokafix
    Mokafix Member Posts: 2 Newcomer
    edited November 2022

    Hi @Michael O'Hagan !

    Efflam here :)

    That block building is not fresh in my memory but ask me your questions and I will try to answer.

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 701 Pro

    Mike, I think Efflam recently left Native Instruments. There was something about it on linked in.

  • Mokafix
    Mokafix Member Posts: 2 Newcomer

    I am still working at NI. Let me know your question about that block.

    It is a wavefolder I initially did to showcase my findings on infinite linear interpolation using integral of a distortion function to tame aliasing.

    atan(sin(x)/(cos(x)+y)) is the basic formula in FOLDS, with always 1<Y<4 (y = smooth parameter).

    Smooth makes the waveform softer (almost to a sine) and compensates for the amplitude if I remember correctly.

    Shape simply adds an inverted sawtooth with 0.5 phase offset to the mix to make it a square.

    Bend is mixing between linear input and x^2 or X^0.5, in order to make the folds frequency compress or expand depending on input level.

    Limit is clipping the input before the wavefolder.

  • Michael O'Hagan
    Michael O'Hagan Member Posts: 107 Helper

    Thank you so much for responding to this thread, It's been about a month since I posted and I've moved on to work on some other things, I'll have to look back into the fold block again, there was a specific macro that I didn't understand, but I forgot it's name, I'll dig back through it and see what it was called.

    Thank you.

  • Studiowaves
    Studiowaves Member Posts: 701 Pro

    Hi Efflam, I had a question on a library shelving filter. There's one that seems to be inaccurate. It seems a shelving filter should maintain the cutoff frequency and reduce the amplitude above or below Fc. However when observing the frequency response with a sweep filter I noticed Fc actually moves away from Fc when the shelving depth increases. It's easy to see in the following ensemble. The knob labeled slope lowers the shelving area but Fc changes along with it. There are 3 sweeps, the top is a standard 2 pole shelving with no resonance and is 6 db down at Fc. The middle sweep is the filter in question. The thin bottom trace is crude but it shows where Fc is on the sweep. I don't think the library module is correct. It's very clear that Fc sweeps down with the LP shelving. You would think it would be stable at Fc like the top sweep but it's clearly not. Check it out if you have time. Here's the link to the ensemble.

    Also there's a switch on there that switches the filters for LP to HP. Just pointing this out, you might know someone there who designed the filter. They may not realize the cut depth is also sweeping Fc. Tia

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