3rd party Serial Numbers in Native Access

D Beswick
D Beswick Member Posts: 15 Member
edited October 22 in Native Access

I like to get serial numbers for Native Access when I order a 3rd party library that works in Kontakt, so it shows up on the libraries side instead of trying to find them in the files side...what are some of your favorite 3rd party libraries that gave a serial number and do you have any suggestions for free ones out there?

Best Answer


  • ShelLuser
    ShelLuser Member Posts: 244 Pro

    I doubt you'll find free ones considering that in order to become NKS compliant (and accepted) you'll have to pay some fees.

    My favorite non-NKS compliant instrument though...

    Versilian's Chamber Orchestra 2... Fair warning: I am quite passionate about orchestral setups and yah... despite me having a licene for and favoring NI's symphony series... I still feel the need to mention this one because honestly?

    In a direct comparison it wouldn't be fair, let's not go there. - with all due respect -. And certainly no disrespect.

    But as a stand alone product? Non-NKS means I cannot use this directly from behind my Maschine controller yet I still do as much after I set up the whole stuff in Maschine (software) using KBM. (KeyBoard and Mouse).

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 12,777 mod
    Answer ✓

    @D Beswick You should use Kontakt 7, you can now add your non player libraries: How to Add Non-Player Libraries to KONTAKT 7's Browser

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