Switchable Music Folders or Crates

DJDL Member Posts: 79 Helper

Open format djs need swift ways of browsing and switching between styles and genres. Searches and Smartlists are very important for this, but with a huge library, results can become overwhelming.

A clickable CRATES function could benefit djs that at certain events could "TURN OFF" a certain folder with tracks that are not going to be used at the moment. That would exclude tracks in these crates from searches and thus deliver less cluttered results.

You could then search and browse only within certain crates or folders that cater to a particular event or venue.

For example, it would be great to be able to do a search for a particular key and only get results from your electronic music crate and not have the latin music crate tracks show up.

I'm pretty sure there's an actual workaround by tagging and using smartlists (or selecting by file path), but that is not so practical as a legitimate on/off switch for on the fly track selection.


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