Browsing samples - am I blind/too stupid-...

strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member
edited October 2024 in Maschine

I am in FACTORY_LIB.... (i did not do anything by myself----- correct FACTORY libarry...)

I have "Reggae KIt"... sound #12 "timbale low reagge" i really like (but not "perfect")... i want to search for a similar/variation SAMPLE... so i press the WHITE lupe/Magnify-symbol... and then the LIBRARY (Drums) Maschine 2 will appear with its FIRST entry "brusch doubel stroke..." ...

Same for other samples/pades of this group... but MOST other pads/smaples will "jump/smart search" correctly...

BTW_ this normal right-click-show-in-Finder... jumps me to the "soudn" not to the SAMPLE... so i cannot not figure out, without dozens of hours (not my job)... wehre te sample is??? It must be there anywhere, otherwiese i would not hear/got errors... (its not a user-pack... something else... just Mk3 library...)


  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited September 2022

    The magnifying icon is not a 'find similar sound' function, altho it can work like that it's mostly a way to recall how the file was originally loaded... For example if you type "ABC" in the browser search field and load something then press the mag icon it will put "ABC" back in the search field. It recalls whatever method was used to find the sound... text, tags, etc...

    To find the actual sample in your filesystem open the Sampling menu, right-click the waveform and and select open in Finder/Explorer, unlike the mag icon this will always work.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,917 Expert
    edited September 2022

    @D-One wrote:

    The magnifying icon is not a 'find similar sound' function', altho it can work like that it's mostly a way to recall how the file was originally loaded... For example if you type "ABC" in the browser search field and load something then press the mag icon it will put "ABC" back in the search field. It recalls whatever method was used to find the sound... text, tags, etc...

    Wow! Now I get it why I never understood how it works!

    Do you know the reasoning behind that function or what the intended use case is?

  • strg+v
    strg+v Member Posts: 67 Member

    Yeah - The problem was/is if i am in User-Library and load a Kit with samples from Native-Library than always this Vendor/Packages (eg. Maschine1, Maschine 2...) BIG_Packs appear as FIRST Filter (when using the quick-search).

    I dont want this Main-Filter, instead i want ALLWAYS this "All-oneshots" without this Restriction.

  • D-One
    D-One Moderator Posts: 3,634 mod
    edited September 2022

    The intended use case (afaik) is for you to go back to whatever methods you used to find a sound you previously loaded, fully recalling the browser state you were in so you can resume browsing as you were originally... Pretty useful especially in the HW (or M+) where selecting tons of tags can be take some time.

    Say you use text/tags find sound #1, then use some other text/tags to find sound #2 if then you want to switch sound #1 you might not remember how you found it, or it might be a lot of work to re-select a bunch of tags and/or type text... You also might not want to start browsing from the top of the results list again.

    I personally find this to work very intuitively as it does exactly what I expect it to do.

    Well, there always going to quirks if you're using a function to do something that is not designed to do in the first place. If you load a lib kit you're stuck with the browsing state the kit creator used to find the sound. What you really want seems to be a feature that selects the same tags as the currently selected sound in the browser.

    Removing the "Main-Filter" is just 1 mouse click operation, on the HW it can require a lot of rotation depending on much stuff you have. The Quick Browse could be a bit smarter like double tapping it to remove the main-filter... But it can't just be changed because it's also cool that it jumps to the specific Lib/Expansion to where the sound belongs.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,263 Expert

    @ozon wrote:

    Wow! Now I get it why I never understood how it works!

    It surprised me too when I bought the Maschine+

    Generally, an icon like that is used for search options, whether it's in DJ software, sample libraries, DAWs etc.

    It's confusing to the user when a "search" icon doesn't actually search. Even more surprising that there is no standard search on the Maschine+, only search by tags - but you cannot add or modify tags on the hardware!

    The only way to add tags is to connect the hardware to a computer and use Maschine software. On top of that inconvenience, NI tags are read only, so you can't modify or add to those unless you mess around copying files back and forth.

    A standard open file search on the M+ would be very helpful.

  • ozon
    ozon Member Posts: 1,917 Expert

    Thank you very much for the detailed explanation! I really complain misunderstood the function of that button. I thought it was meant to „localize the current Sample or Sound in the Library“. So close, yet so far. Thanks!

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