is komplete 14 ultimate ce sold on hard drives?

djwaxxy Member Posts: 57 Member
edited October 2024 in Komplete General

in the past ive always bought k u ce upgrades boxed with a hard drive but theres people on other forums saying this isnt possible with k14 u ce.

is it going to be avaliable in stores and sold on a hard drive or is it download only?




  • JesterMgee
    JesterMgee Member Posts: 3,034 Expert

    I think the days of delivering things on HDD/CD/DVD are slowly coming to an end.

    I know it's faster in some cases but still, you often need to update things and then of course activation and installing Native Access is still all needed. Would also be a lot more cost effective for companies to not have to make hardware that just sits on your shelf, I have 3 boxes of Komplete with HDDs that will never be used.

    Just a shame all that saved cost isn't really passed on to the customer tho.

  • djwaxxy
    djwaxxy Member Posts: 57 Member

    yeah thats what i was thinking..if its not coming on hard drives then why is it still be charged at the same price?]

    too me that doesnt seem fair,ik multimedia do a similar thing there priced the same only difference is postage but if you want it boxed or download there the same.

    im same as you i have many ni boxs in storage or in my studio and they probably will never be used again but its still nice too have something physical to touch and gives you a sense of ownership which downloads do not.

  • Kubrak
    Kubrak Member Posts: 3,104 Expert
    edited September 2022

    Well it is handy to have installation media. At least for KU CE. It is 700+ GB I guess. If one does fresh install, it helps a lot. Not speaking about the fact, that just to download Cremona Quartet (that was not included on HDD) 90+ GB was troublesome in times of K13 release. I had to ask NI for direct links to installers. (Native Access was not able to download it without troubles.)

    So, I cannot imagine fresh install of K14U CE without the disc.... I do not have volume limit on download by my ISP and have 120 Mbit line. Many people have much, much worse internet connection....

  • Monochrome
    Monochrome Member Posts: 1,386 Expert
    edited September 2022

    Well, in my opinion, it is more than fair. Not the hard drive is what's valuable, it's the content that's in Komplete. And with all the new things that got released in the past months and that has been added to K14, one can be glad that the price for it still remains the same* as past releases.

    *Edit: Checking Wayback Machine, it looks like this just holds true for Select, Standard and Ultimate?! The CE went from $1599 up to $1799 (+$200), but even then imo it's reasonable as it's supposed to have almost everything.

  • Jojo123
    Jojo123 Member Posts: 373 Pro

    I was one of those that was very appreciative to have the HDD for K13 UCE. As @Kubrak mentioned the Cremona Quartet was a huge download. My connection speed was doable but I was on a cap, meaning it would take months to get everything. I can thus fully understand that someone might pass up what they would otherwise buy if they could get the install media. In that sense, If it means a sale for NI then HDD are not a bad thing I think. There's still many places that are on slow and/or capped connections.

  • pibi
    pibi Member Posts: 8 Member

    Hi !

    i luckily have 1GB optic line.

    But stil take loooong time to install ult 14.

    luckilily Native Access recognizes if Install hd is on usb so it is not necesary to dl all 270 GB !!!!

    they should at least offer of option for hdd - we will pay for it !

    but old disk (Ultimate 11) is to small to acept all data.

    I have 3 installation (Legal !) so i need to dl 3x on differen locatons with diferent connectivity - not 1gB/s

    THAT IS more then 800 GB !!! and I am pissed off - takels TIME

    Install process is straight forward but DELETE ISO after instalation to save space

    NI should get an NI Acces an option NOT TO DELETE ISO to save it to somwhere - 5TB USB disk

    It takes just an small option nrmaly with warning that you cal fill temp files and is your on your risk !

    SOME LIBRARYs exceed 25 GB so i sugest to update NA to get a option about this

    othervise Konplete UL14 is fantastic

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