Dynamic Key Switches for Articulation are not being dynamic

Qweeqweg Member Posts: 2 Member
edited October 2024 in Kontakt

Hello friends

I'm trying to use 'Dynamic Key Switches' to change Choir articulation in mid-note. However, the feature behaves as a 'Standard key switch'; re-triggering only on following note. That is, there is no difference between the Standard and Dynamic switch choices, and I cannot change articulation in mid-note as I should be able to. Can anyone shed some light on this for me? Appreciate any help you can offer.


Best Answer

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro
    Answer ✓

    You can't change articulation in mid-note. You would have to play the note again, or play both samples and crossfade them, or use AET.


  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro
    Answer ✓

    You can't change articulation in mid-note. You would have to play the note again, or play both samples and crossfade them, or use AET.

  • Qweeqweg
    Qweeqweg Member Posts: 2 Member
    edited September 2022

    Thanks, Stephen. I guess I misunderstood the manual. I'm working with the vowels in 'Choir'. I wanted to fade from 'Ohs' to 'Ahs'. I get it now. Thanks again.

    Dynamic Keyswitches

    On the other hand, the dynamic keyswitches can be used for on the fly changes. A dynamic keyswitch affects the notes that are already sounding when it is pressed. There are two dedicated controls that adjust how the change between sample sets is implemented and what happens when the dynamic keyswitch is released:

    ▪ Dynamic Fade knob: Controls the length of the crossfade between the two sample sets.

    ▪ Dynamic Release switch: When on, the original sample will be retriggered as soon as the dynamic keyswitch is released. When off, releasing the dynamic keyswitch will leave the currently selected sample set playing.

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    That seems pretty unequivocal - not much to misunderstand - so clearly there is something wrong. (I use only the samples to build my own instruments so I'm not familiar with these scripted instruments, and was talking about basics). Maybe someone who uses these instruments can help.

    In the K4 library (which is all I have) there is a series of "Choir Morph" instruments, which use AET instead of crossfading. Have you tried these?

  • stephen24
    stephen24 Member Posts: 428 Pro

    In fact having tried it (K4), it obviously doesn't work. To use crossfade in this way, playing a note should trigger all the groups you might crossfade between, and voice count and Group Editor shows that in fact only one articulation is being triggered. I guess that the manual describes what they meant to do but didn't quite get round to.

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