s4 mk3 controller

s4mk3 Member Posts: 40 Helper

haptic feedback sensitivity option

pitch range option tt mode

more layout options in traktor software when using controller (no need to waste space with play/ beat jump bar when i have visuals on s4 mk3 screens, moving wave forms in small mode and again get rid of that play beat jump bar, it takes up so much space on screen)

pad colour options? when i capture sample in remix decks the software can randomly pick colours? how can't i change colours manually for a track deck?

font size? 17-23 missing (Who is using 8 or 46?)

5 votes

· Last Updated


  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I would vote for this 100 times if I could. Just simple stuff like this makes me wonder, what's NI really looking at with these bug fixes or update. This has to be easy to add

    2x smart sync

    ability to write BPM decimal point like 85.50 or 101.85 in the BPM tag field without rounding up or down.

    dynamic playlist like Traktor DJ 2

    Browser tagging abilities like tag and rename, Helium music manager or Perfect Tunes

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    this post is going to change nothing because it's got 50 ideas in one thread so what does an upvote here mean?

  • Demus
    Demus Member Posts: 216 Pro

    I understand what you are saying. But just a simple suggestion on simple things that could be update without upvote. Really...If we need a upvote for new font size, and the ability to put the actual BPM in the file tag. Then we are in trouble. Most of the other stuff have already been suggested and upvoted.

  • wayfinder
    wayfinder Member Posts: 416 Guru

    i don't make the rules, i feel just as stupid as anyone else following them. it's not like i personally think these capricious hoops should be there for us to jump through, but it's like, here's how to do it, and if you don't NI can just say your suggestion wasn't considered because of a technicality. i mean i read a whole page about how to write frickin user stories in here and made a dozen threads with convoluted and in my opinion unnecessary wording, and look like a complete fool to myself because i am literally the only person in the world who followed the instructions. i'm just trying to help - i just want a better traktor, same as you

  • Matt_NI
    Matt_NI Administrator Posts: 1,130 admin

    Just like what @wayfinder mentioned, please create one thread for one idea so users can upvote a specific improvement (not severals). You can find more about how to submit new ideas in our guidelines here: https://community.native-instruments.com/discussion/4159/beta-ideas-submission-guidelines

    This thread is now closed.

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