Komplete Kontrol 3.4 Fails to Load All Kontakt Instruments

Mantry Member Posts: 8 Member
edited March 25 in Komplete Kontrol

Komplete Kontrol 3.4 fails to load Kontakt Instruments specifically, loads other VSTs fine. Kontakt standalone works smooth (kontakt 8). Does the downgrade to version 3.3.4 that has been posted on other articles sort this issue at all? Running on windows 11. Have reset the database file to no avail.

Kind regards,



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,470 mod

    Are you sure you have the VST3 plugin of Kontakt installed and it is the latest version? Can you see Kontakt 8 or player in the KK plugin menu?

  • Mantry
    Mantry Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks for your swift reply. Yep, have updated to latest kontakt 8 today and is showing in KK browser window.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,470 mod

    that would show if you have NKS for it but is it in the plugin browser? May be a path issue?

    Can you see it when you click on the + to load a plugin?

  • Mantry
    Mantry Member Posts: 8 Member

    Okay, so komplete kontrol is simply not loading Kontakt 8 but is scanning the other versions of kontakt I have. I have added the folder kontakt 8 is hosted in, so have no idea.

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,470 mod

    Kontakt 8 VST3 plugin should be in the same location all your VST3 plugins are, and that should be in the path in KK settings

    If you are having to add the folder Kontakt 8 is in either the Kontakt 8 plugin is in the wrong location (but then what happens to your other plugins?) or you are adding the application folder (which isn’t necessary)

    See if Kontak 8 VST3 is in the VST3 plugin folder and the path to that folder is added in settings (although it should have been by default) then rescan plugins

    Also check the ‘use latest version of NI plugins’ toggle in settings, you should not need the older versions really

  • Mantry
    Mantry Member Posts: 8 Member

    So Kontakt 8 VST plugin is located here:

    In KK V3, the plug in location is set up to scan where Kontakt 8 is:

    However, I have scanned, rescanned and also reinstalled both KK v3 and Kontakt 8 and scanned again, but the plug ins displayed still do not show Kontakt 8; I have tested this on Komplete kontrol 2.9.6 and this seems to be what is causing the issue (that when Kontakt 8 is displayed in Plug ins folder list, it works):

    Bizzarre, as everything is in the correct location. Any other ideas as to why KK v3 is not picking up kontakt 8 plug in?

    I have heard on various forums that 3.4.0 is causing issues with scanning, is it worth downgrading to version 3.3.4 to alleviate this issue?

    Kind regards,


  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,470 mod

    It's possible I guess - and these problems have been largely on Windows, I have not had them myself. So do you not see Kontakt in the plugin list?

    One thing is your folders have entries that are redundant, that might cause problems with scanning. eg you should not need both the vstplugins and vstplugins/kv331 audio - vstplugins should scan any sub folders too

  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,470 mod
  • Mantry
    Mantry Member Posts: 8 Member

    Managed to do it. I downgraded to 2.9.6 and rebuilt database file (although you could just downgrade to 3.3.2) then I upgraded to 3.3.2, rescanned plug ins and it just worked. Thanks very much for all your assistance!

  • Matthew_NI
    Matthew_NI Product Team Posts: 1,776 mod

    I would strongly recommend upgrading to KK 3.4.1, not downgrading to earlier versions that contain bugs.

  • Mantry
    Mantry Member Posts: 8 Member

    Thanks Matthew. Can you confirm that 3.4.1 sorts out Kontakt 8 loading issues etc?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 14,049 mod

    There is no general issue around Kontakt 8 and Komplete Kontrol, it seems to be only an issue on your system.

    Make sure that Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol are running as admin: How to Run a Program as an Administrator

    You can also reset Komplete Kontrol 's database here: Reinitialize the Komplete Kontrol Database

    1. Note: The "AppData" folder is hidden. See this article for instructions to access hidden Windows folders.
    2. Search through the Native Instruments folder at this location to find the Komplete Kontrol folder.
    3. Note: Deleting other NI product folders could result in unexpected behavior with other applications.
    4. Reopen the Komplete Kontrol software to check that the issue has been resolved``
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