Logic on Mac mini M4 still won't play tracks created on older Komplete Kontrol 2.9.6

gonesavage Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

I just installed Logic on a brand new Mac mini M4 using Sequoia 15.2 and after loading NI on here, noticed nothing using NI instruments was playing on old tracks. I was previously using an older machine that is now scrapped, and saved everything on an external drive. After reading other threads on here, it was suggested that I uninstall Komplete Kontrol 3 and install 2.9.6. I have done so and it didn't help. I have tried launching Logic in Rosetta mode and that made it even worse.

Luckily on some tracks, it at least shows what plug in I actually used so I just go and dig it out to select it and it now plays. This is extremely time consuming but at least gives me some hope. On others, it is not there so not really sure what to go on.

As someone who is more focused on making music than navigating this software and its updates, can anyone please provide any other troubleshooting tips on what I can do to get all my old stuff back and playing? Thank you very much.


  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 14,049 mod

    What was the operating system of your previous Mac? What version of Komplete Kontrol and Kontakt were you using? There might have been some updated libraries (last update installed on new system not compatible with Kontakt version used in older projects).

    If you open projects made on an Intel Mac, there is no way around it, you need to open these projects with Logic in Rosetta mode: How to Open Your DAW Using Rosetta

  • gonesavage
    gonesavage Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    I wish I knew the answers, I know that would help. I believe that I was on Yosemite for a lot of them and then Catalina for more. Our Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol would have been whatever was live in 2021, that's when we loaded all that stuff and never updated on that computer. The iMac was from 2013 so yes, it was using Intel.

    Thanks for letting me know I need to open the old projects in Rosetta mode. It didn't seem to help but I will try again. Do I also need to download the old versions of Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol and open those both in Rosetta mode as well for the old stuff? Also, should I not update any of the old libraries or is it safe to make all updates of those?

  • gonesavage
    gonesavage Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    To confirm - for old projects, open Logic, Kontakt 6, and Komplete Kontrol 2.6 all in Rosetta mode? Am I able to have the old Komplete Kontrol and new? I saved my old instrument libraries from my original download on an external drive. Am I safe to update all those now as the compatibility issues are only with Kontakt/Komplete Kontrol or should I not update the libraries either?

    I got a new machine to hopefully get better at all this and have better running versions of all this stuff. Didn't consider how the updates would affect my old projects. I'm hoping I can use the updated applications and libraries for anything new I create.

    Thanks for your help, Jeremy.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 14,049 mod

    Well, some time ago, there were a lot of updates on Kontakt libraries that broke compatibility with Kontakt 6 (and earlier versions of Kontakt as well). It has caused a lot of issues for customers and I'm just wondering if that could be what's at play here. We have posted installers to downgrade these libraries. Can you check this list and see if you were using these libraries:

  • gonesavage
    gonesavage Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Yes, many of those were what I was using for my previous projects. If I read you right, I have to download the older versions of those libraries, and use older versions of Kontakt and Komplete Kontrol inside a Rosetta Moded Logic to work on my past projects. Is there a way to do this and also take advantage of any updates that are available now? For instance if I want to work on old stuff, boot Kontakt 6 with Rosetta-Logic and point it all to the old versions of the libraries. I'm just confused on the old libraries, am I able to have Analog Dreams 2021 version and Analog Dreams 2025 version on the same machine and flip between the two depending on if I'm working on old stuff or creating new songs? Just trying to see if it's one or the other.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 14,049 mod

    @gonesavage It's a little complex but hopefully I can explain it.

    You should first uninstall the libraries in Native Access, then use the provided installers, run them, launch Native Access to activate them. Once you do that, you will see available updates for these libraries, don't update them or we're back to square one.

    Now a downgraded library will work for Kontakt 6 but also Kontakt 7 or 8. There are only minimum Kontakt versions, not maximum ones. So don't update libraries unless you are certain. Check the release notes in Native Access, they now indicate what minimum version of Kontakt is required.

    You can't have 2 different versions of a library. For the most part these updates were just to implement some functionalities for the Kontrol S MK3 keyboards. If you don't own one, for the most part, there's not much new in these libraries. The best would be to use Kontakt (different versions if needed) than Komplete Kontrol.

    Also worth noting is that Kontakt has an auto migration system in Logic. So any version of Kontakt tracks you have in your project would automatically loaded in the latest version. You can read all about it here: Notes about Auto-Migration of Kontakt Versions in DAW Projects. This will not work with Komplete Kontrol, only the Kontakt plug-in.

    My recommendation, if you rely on Kontakt libraries would be to open your old projects, copy the Komplete Kontrol tracks to Kontakt ones, this way they are future proof and you don't have to worry about this anymore.

    I hope all is clear, don't hesitate to ask for further info. This whole Kontakt library dependency is something we'd like to improve but it's a very complex topic. Sorry for this not so cool user journey.

  • gonesavage
    gonesavage Member Posts: 9 Newcomer

    Thanks for taking so much time to walk me through this, I appreciate it. As more of a novice, I never really considered that the tracks would be dependent on the controller they were played in. So as long as I uninstall my current libraries, install the previous versions, even using Kontakt 7 or 8 I won't get a. message saying they can't be used?

    I was going to ask how more seasoned professional producers worked with this updating process. It sounds like if I migrate everything to Kontakt, I should be better off going forward. I will take tomorrow to try to follow each step and hopefully that works and I'm ready to go. I'll add more questions if needed.

    Thanks again so much for spending time with my question. I tried to review all the old related threads but wanted to clarify a few things and I wasn't able to comment on those.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 14,049 mod

    @gonesavage Actually, after speaking with devs, there might be a way to "migrate" through Komplete Kontrol. The process would be the same, first remove the older Kontakt plug-ins from all plug-in folders on your system, open Komplete Kontrol in Logic, make sure that this box is ticked, then hit rescan.

    That should work theoritically.

    Now about this:

    So as long as I uninstall my current libraries, install the previous versions, even using Kontakt 7 or 8 I won't get a. message saying they can't be used?

    Yes, the only thing I forgot to mention is that if you save a library or user preset with Kontakt 7 you won't be able to open the library in Kontakt 6 anymore.

    I hope that helps.

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