Could I operate a Maschine MK3 (Hardware) with Maschine MK2 software?

gregggyf Member Posts: 11 Newcomer

Good Morning,

I have an easy question here,… which is,

Could I operate a Maschine MK3 (Hardware) with Maschine MK2 software?

And, (this may sound funny) would the hardware know where to look for the software once the software gets downloaded onto my computers C:/ drive?

Thank you very much


  • mykejb
    mykejb Moderator Posts: 2,254 mod

    Yes, the MK3 Maschine was released way before the Maschine 3 software, so it originally came with Maschine 2.

    The hardware doesn't look for the software. Once you've downloaded and installed the Maschine software using Native Access it'll show as an application in your Start menu. You start the software and it'll find the Maschine hardware, assuming it's plugged in of course!!

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