maschine midi note scene change not working

Joshua Lee looman
Joshua Lee looman Member Posts: 1 Member

I can not stress enough how frustrating a company native instruments is. I can't stand their chat support, their lack of phone support, and the needless emailing back and forth for weeks on end only to get basically no help, but I digress.

I have been trying to get midi scene changes to work for weeks. I have a keyboard and a foot controller. the ultimate goal is to get it working on the foot controller, that being said I can't get it working on either one. I have set the scene change settings to midi note. i have moved the octave down to c-2. it doesn't nothing. no matter what i do the controller only seems to want to control the instrument in maschine. also is there a way to midi learn the play/stop button.


  • 6xes
    6xes Member Posts: 826 Pro
    edited 2:40AM

    setup your midi change

    assign the program change channel or note channel…

    assign the source device and make sure your source device is using the lowest program change/note number

    if you dont know what your keyboard or midi device… is outputting, then use a midi monitor (search google for a free midi monitor)

    and then find a chart if you are unfamiliar with the output of the midi monitor or use chatGPT or any other model that can assist, and compare what your buttons are outputting on the midi monitor with the program/note values

    … so basically your notes should be a value of zero to trigger the first scene

    value of 1 to trigger the second scene and so on

    likewise with program changes

    btw make sure the midi channels are the same too

  • Psyearth5
    Psyearth5 Member Posts: 364 Member

    I will try to be honest without using any words that can mean differently .

    You have to connect 5 Pin USB to n and out, create MIDI Loop back and you will be able to control 3 parametarers with Notes or Program Change.

    You can use same function but you must split them in 3 different MIDI channels.

    After you get comfortable with changing Scenes and Lock States 64 of them you will be able to get results that are not possible on another HW Hybrid/Software.

    In Song Mode control Selection.

    Program Change in Software is Amazing because you can change sounds at the same time with parameters Morphing.

    It's easy but I have to be fair and as older I lived in time when there was only this way of communicating via MIDI.

    I will give you tutorial on my example, just copy settings.

    This next is example of what I do in less than 5 minutes just for fun and it's a brain muscle exercise.

    ☝️😃🤳 This is Electric Rockabilly and I didn't finish but it's just tools we all got with M+ and it's standalone everything including Master.

    More impossible randomizing time and key intervals and FX.

  • PK The DJ
    PK The DJ Member Posts: 2,372 Expert

    5 pin USB?!

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