Suggestion for Improvement: Adaptive Timeline Visualization

Crann Beat
Crann Beat Member Posts: 1 Newcomer

Dear Development Team,

I am writing as a regular user and professional DJ of Traktor Pro 4. I would like to share a suggestion that I believe could significantly enhance the user experience and the accuracy of live set preparation.

Currently, when using the flexible beatgrid to adapt to BPM changes in a track, the timeline display remains fixed in scale. As a result, in tracks with tempo variations, the beat markers are not equally spaced, making it difficult to preview and plan transitions effectively.

Implement an “Adaptive Timeline Visualization” or “Dynamic Beatgrid Scaling” feature. This functionality would automatically adjust the spacing between markers on the interface so that, regardless of the BPM changes in a track, the markers always appear equally spaced on-screen.

It would allow a clear and precise view of beat placements, making manual beatmatching and transition planning easier and it would reduce the need for manual corrections during track preparation and live performance.

I am convinced that this improvement would address a real need within the DJ community and significantly enhance the workflow for those of us who use your software daily.

Thank you very much for your attention. I am available to discuss this idea further or collaborate in any way that might be helpful.

Best regards, Carlos.

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