Import Guitar Rig 6 User Presets doesn't work

p8guitar Member Posts: 10 Member

I've got 31 user presets in Guitar Rig 6 that I imported from GR 5. I don't know how to import these user presets manually, because there is no Guitar Rig 6 folder in my documents/Native Instruments folder, and the Guitar Rig 5 folder doesn't show any presets to import.

When I go in GR7 7 to file-preferences-Library 'import guitar rig 6 user presets' and hit the 'import' button nothing happens, no user presets appear.


  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod


    but you can see and open them in gr6? Then you can right click and select "show in explorer". Then you know where they are.

  • p8guitar
    p8guitar Member Posts: 10 Member

    Good idea! A right click in GR6 shows me that the presets are in user/documents/native instruments/guitar Rig 5/ sounds. Not sure why imported sounds that I see in GR 6 were not copied in a GR 6 folder, but they work.

    I tried to import a 'sound' from the GR 5 folder in GR 7, but nothing happens (File - import - …)

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod

    If I remember correctly you have to import them to gr6 first, so that the files are stored in the gr6 folder, then you can import them into gr7.

  • p8guitar
    p8guitar Member Posts: 10 Member

    In GR 6 I saved all my user presets/sounds now with file-save as… and they are being saved in documents/native instruments/user content/guitar rig 6/ rack presets.

    Importing any of these rack presets in GR 7 with file- import or with preferences … import does nothing. Why is this so difficult??

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,314 mod
    edited 10:42PM

    If I try it here it works, with file import or via preferences import from gr6. If you use "file - import" does a browser window show up? And you find no new user preset, just click the little man sign.

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