spark could not be loaded

Isaac mustakis
Isaac mustakis Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

Hi all

my arturia spark wont load on my maschine 3, shows an error massage "spark could not be loaded" even though spark shows up in the liberty and I can preview the sound, but it would not load the plugin.

running windown 11 and maschine 3.0.1

does anyone knows how to fix it?

Best Answer

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited March 6 Answer ✓

    What do you mean by "would not add it"?

    Unless Maschine 3 completely dropped support for all VST2 plugins (which I am certain we would have heard of by now) - there is something else going on.

    Did you actually confirm that the folder path to your VST2's is the exact path you are telling Maschine to look in?

    Screencaps of your system would help greatly to show us - where Maschine is looking vs the exact location of the Spark.dll file

    I can tell you without reservation that the VST 2 version of Spark works just fine - I have it in Komplete Kontrol here - but you need to make sure the app knows where it is AND to scan it.



  • Kymeia
    Kymeia NKS User Library Mod Posts: 5,343 mod

    Spark NKS patches load the VST2 - there is no VST3 - so you need to ensure VST2 is supported

  • Isaac mustakis
    Isaac mustakis Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    In the maschin preference vst2 in checked and I can see and preview the sounds but not load it

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert

    VST2 may very well be checked in Maschine prefs but is the actual Spark VST2 installed? This is the issue.


  • Isaac mustakis
    Isaac mustakis Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    so… in the maschine plugins lisnt there is no spark, but it does appear in the library, I would try to find a vst2 install and see if it would help

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert

    You need to reinstall Spark and make sure to include the VST2 version of the plugin.

    Then again - I doubt that you actually “deselected” the VST2 when you installed the first time as this option is on by default.

    My guess is that the VST2 is already on your machine (somewhere) - you have simply not pointed the Maschine plugin scanner to the right place and it is not being scanned.


  • Isaac mustakis
    Isaac mustakis Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    I reinstalled it, but no vst2 option just a vst2.4

    when scanning in maschine spark shows up but it would not add it, I guess i'll need to find an older install somewhere… it is so unfortunate that a company like arturia abandoned old products like that

  • Vocalpoint
    Vocalpoint Member Posts: 3,222 Expert
    edited March 6 Answer ✓

    What do you mean by "would not add it"?

    Unless Maschine 3 completely dropped support for all VST2 plugins (which I am certain we would have heard of by now) - there is something else going on.

    Did you actually confirm that the folder path to your VST2's is the exact path you are telling Maschine to look in?

    Screencaps of your system would help greatly to show us - where Maschine is looking vs the exact location of the Spark.dll file

    I can tell you without reservation that the VST 2 version of Spark works just fine - I have it in Komplete Kontrol here - but you need to make sure the app knows where it is AND to scan it.


  • Isaac mustakis
    Isaac mustakis Member Posts: 6 Newcomer

    fixed it!!!!!😀

    I have added C:\ProgramData\Arturia\Spark to locations, and now it work 🤩

    thanks VP

  • Isaac mustakis
    Isaac mustakis Member Posts: 6 Newcomer


    so that is very weird, the spark seems to load correctly, but,

    in pad mode it plays the preview

    in keyboard mode it plays the individual drums

    but when i record and reply the recording it plays the preview again

    no way to record the individual drums

    obviously something is very wrong

    does anybody have an idea what to do?

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