Piano Colors presets

Daniquito Member Posts: 7 Newcomer

Hi, my presets (starred ones on the image) in Piano Colors are assigned to CC, but I need to modify volume, reverb etc…

I did not find the way to save them with my own settings in order to retrieve them at the same place as I call them via midi.

Thanks for your help



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,305 mod
    edited March 7


    if you click on "view/classic view" then you see the host parameters table, if you then move a knob e.g. convolution reverb send, you will see a red square marking the host parameter, now you know it. You can also use midi cc´s, just go the the Midi automation tab and drag n´drop one line, lets say cc 14, onto one parameter, maybe reverb send and so on. Volume is midi cc7 by standard. But to have them all for all sounds at the same place, midi cc, is not possible cause every preset contains different fx and much more, or maybe i understand you somehow wrong.

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