How to create and use templates for KNOBS in Studio One 5?

wido Member Posts: 5 Newcomer
edited October 22 in Komplete Kontrol

Hi there

With great hopes I bought the Komplete Kontrol M32, thinking it would be an easy mapping process to Studio One 5. Now, I realize it is a bit more work than I hoped it would be. Doing the work itself, measured in time, is not a big deal. However, I can not get the result I am looking for.

What I want: Templates for different VSTs in Studio One. For example, MaiTai, Presence, Mojito. But also for third party VSTs like, for example, Surge XT, Helm, ... I hoped to get "soft takeover" feature with different templates for the knobs

What I did: I plugged in Komplete Kontrol M32 into my computer. I started up Native Access, I entered my S/N, I made sure M32 has newest firmware. I opened Komplete Kontrol program. Having M32 plugged in, I clicked on the MIDI sign in the top right corner to start creating templates.

I created a "MaiTai", "Presence", "Mojito", and "Surge" template. Every template has 4 pages. I only use about 2 pages per instrument. I named all the knobs according to the parameter in the VST.

Template 1, in my case MaiTai, started with CC14. So, I went along and used the first 16 CC "ports" following after CC14.

On the above picture, you can see that the "Page 2" is selected.

Going into Studio One now, I opened "MaiTai", I pressed on the M32 "shift" & "Plug-in MIDI". The little display shows "a.MaiTai MIDI Mode". I mapped all the knobs to my desired functions. Everything seems to work great.

Now, I went on into the next instrument, in my case "Surge", with the following setting in Komplete Kontrol: Page 1 started with CC 30 - CC 37, Page 2 CC 38 - CC 45.

However, these CC "Ports" are not recognized in Studio One.

If I click MIDI learn in Studio One for the Global settings, I noticed, that I can only assign the first 16 knobs. The other 16 knobs of the total of 32 are somehow not assignable.

I have multiple questions:

  1. How can I use all 127 MIDI "ports" in Studio One? Is this even possible?
  2. If I can use all 127 MIDI "ports" I should be able to assign all of them to the 4 pages for each different template, correct?
  3. How can I activate the last 16 knobs in the "MIDI learn" function in Studio One?

I know, the questions are not only Native Instrument related, but mainly Studio One. I would go to a different forum, however, I haven't found any useful information on Studio One forums.

Thank you in advance for your help!



Best Answer

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,017 mod
    edited January 2022 Answer ✓

    You do it as he does in the video? You have to set the knob mode to relative not absolute, then it should work without jumping parameters.



  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,017 mod
    edited January 2022


    exactly for that purpose you have komplete kontrol program and plugin. You open it up in your DAW then inside kk you open up your instrument, there you map everything and save it as user preset. This can be a bit time consuming but once done you can even browse all presets from the keyboard and control all parameters with names showing up in the display. You can also google first if your instruments are nks compatible or if there are downloads available making them compatible. If not you have to do it as described. Ohh and you have of course to add the vat folder where the instruments are in kk preferences then scan for them, then you can click on a plus sign in the upper area and open them.


  • wido
    wido Member Posts: 5 Newcomer


    Thanks for your quick response.

    I know my post was not very clearly written.

    Unfortunately, this only works for 3rd party VSTs or NI instruments. For a DAW integrated VST the recommended solution does not apply, nor does it work. A DAW (in my case Studio One) native instrument can not be opened in KK.

    I was able to create templates and map all the parameters I want, however, "soft takeover" does not happen. Going from one VST to an other VST within Studio One, the knobs jumps to the value where it was used in the prior VST. Although the Komplete Kontrol M32 has endless encoder knobs.

    I still hope there is way to figure that out.

  • Uwe303
    Uwe303 Moderator Posts: 4,017 mod
    edited January 2022 Answer ✓

    You do it as he does in the video? You have to set the knob mode to relative not absolute, then it should work without jumping parameters.


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