Sale issue - KUCE Verfication

Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru


I'm not going to purchase during this sale period, but the website has an error for me, stating I don't qualify for upgrade pricing, because I don't own Komplete 12-14 Collector's edition - but I do.


  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,968 mod
    edited March 4

    the website has an error for me, stating I don't qualify for upgrade pricing

    No , that's not an error stating that you don't qualify for upgrade pricing , that's just the usual 'visual bug' where N.I. as usual warns even qualified buyers that they need to qualify to use. It's been like that for several months at least for some upgrades/cross-grades whatever.

    This usual results in people needing assurances that nobody but N.I. Purchase Support can give , but as far as I know then what you are reporting is really more of a none issue since it very likely is just the usual 'visual bug' and nothing else.

    It does not actually say anywhere that you do not qualify , it just warns you that you need to qualify to use.

  • Vagus
    Vagus Member Posts: 546 Guru
    edited March 4

    Well, it says 'You do not qualify for cheaper pricing', which suggests it's not getting the correct response from the database query for the product I own.

    Even if it's just a visual issue, it's poor user experience - might be worth someone taking a look at those auto-response texts.

  • PoorFellow
    PoorFellow Moderator Posts: 5,968 mod

    'You do not qualify for cheaper pricing',

    Oops , I missed that , I concentrated on the lower part where usually the message is. My apology.

    @Jeremy_NI , could you please check up on this ?

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    Checking with our website team. Thanks for the headsd up @Vagus.

  • Jeremy_NI
    Jeremy_NI Customer Care Posts: 13,785 mod

    @Vagus Since you already own Komplete 15UCE, the upgrade price does not appear for you.

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